








学术兼职: 《交通运输工程学报(英文版)》青年编委;《automation in construction》《construction and building materials》《structural control and health monitoring》等学术期刊审稿人。



l  道路3d智能化摊铺与压实技术

l  道路数字智能化检测与评价技术

l  路面智能化监测检测与决策平台

l  机场道面智能化监测检测技术

l  机器/深度学习与大数据分析技术


2016.9-2019.10 滑铁卢大学 土木与环境工程学院 博士学

2013.9-2016.7 长安大学 信息工程学院 硕士学位

2009.9-2013.7 长安大学 信息工程学院 学士学位


2021.7-至今 东南大学 交通学院 副研究员

2019.10-2021.12 滑铁卢大学 博士后研究员


1.复杂路面裂缝智能化检测的假性错误机理与优化研究,自然科学基金项目, 2022.1-2024.12,项目负责







²  期刊论文:

1.      huyan ju, ma tao*, li wei, yang handuo, xu zhengchao. pixelwise asphalt concrete pavement crack detection via deep learning-based semantic segmentation method. struct control health monitoting. 2022, e2974. doi:10.1002/stc.2974  

2.      huyan ju, li wei, tighe susan, sun zhaoyun, sun hongchao.    quantitative analysis of macrotexture of asphalt concrete pavement surface based on 3d data. transportation research record,2021,  2674(8), 732-744. doi:10.1177/0361198120920269.

3.      huyan ju, li wei, tighe susan, zhang yingjie, yue baofeng.    image-based coarse-aggregate angularity analysis and evaluation. journal of materials in civil engineering, 2021, 32(6), 4020140. doi:10.1061/(asce)mt.1943-5533.0003150.

4.      huyan ju, li wei, tighe susan, xu zhengchao, zhai junzhi.       cracku-net: a novel deep convolutional neural network for pixelwise pavement crack detection. structural control & health monitoring, 2020, 27(8), e2551. doi: 10.1002/stc.2551.

5.      huyan ju, li wei, tighe susan, xiao liyang, sun zhaoyun, shao nana. three-dimensional pavement crack detection based on primary surface profile innovation optimized dual-phase computing. engineering applications of artificial intelligence,2020,89(5),     103376. doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2019.103376.

6.      huyan ju, li wei, tighe susan, deng ranran, yan shuai. illumination compensation model with k-means algorithm for detection of pavement surface cracks with shadow. journal of computing in civil engineering,2020,34(1), 4019049.10.1061/(asce)cp.1943-5487.0000869.

7.      huyan ju, li wei, tighe susan, zhai junzhi, xu zhengchao, chen yao. detection of sealed and unsealed cracks with complex backgrounds using deep convolutional neural network. automation in construction, 2019, 107, 102946. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2019.102946.

8.      li wei, huyan ju*, gao rong, hao xueli, hu yuanjiao, zhang yingjie. unsupervised deep learning for road crack classification by fusing convolutional neural network and k_means clustering. journal of transportation engineering part b-pavements, 2021,147(4).4021066. doi: 10.1061/jpeodx.0000322.

9.      zhang weiguang, khan adnan, huyan ju*, zhong jingtao, peng tianyi, cheng hanglin. predicting marshall parameters of flexible pavement using support vector machine and genetic programming. construction and building materials, 2021, 306,  124924. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.

10.  li wei, huyan ju*, tighe susan l., shao na-na, sun zhaoyun. an innovative primary surface profile-based three-dimensional pavement distress data filtering approach for optical instruments and tilted pavement model-related noise reduction. road materials and pavement design,2019,20(1),132-150. doi:10.1080/14680629.2017.1378118.

11.  li wei, huyan ju*, tighe susan l.. pavement cracking detection based on three-dimensional data using improved active contour model. journal of transportation engineering part b-pavements,2018,144(2),4018006. doi:10.1061/jpeodx.0000028.

12.  li wei, huyan ju*, tighe susan l., ren qingqing, sun zhaoyun. three-dimensional pavement crack detection algorithm based on two-dimensional empirical mode decomposition. journal of transportation engineering part b-pavements,2017,     143(2),   4017005. doi:10.1061/jpeodx.0000006.

13.  sun zhaoyun, liu hanye, huyan ju*, li wei, guo meng, hao xueli, pei lili. assessment of importance-based machine learning feature selection methods for aggregate size distribution measurement in a 3d binocular vision system. construction and building materials, 2021, 306, 124894. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.

14.  xiao liyang, li wei, huyan ju, sun zhaoyun, tighe susan. crack grid detection and calculation based on convolutional neural network. canadian journal of civil engineering, 2021,48(9),1192-1205.10.1139/cjce-2020-0246.

15.  gao rong, sun zhaoyun, huyan ju*, li wei, xiao liyang, yao bobin, wang huifeng. small foreign metal objects detection in x-ray images of clothing products using faster r-cnn and feature pyramid network. ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 2021(70), 5010311. doi:10.1109/tim.2021.3077666.

16.  liu hanye, sun zhaoyun, li wei, huyan ju*, guo meng, hao xueli. evaluating angularity of coarse aggregates using the virtual cutting method based on 3d point cloud images. ieee access,2020,8,143241-143255. doi:10.1109/access.2020.3013901.




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