





邮箱: xxuseu@126.com

所在系: 桥梁工程

办公室: 交通学院711




  1. 大跨径缆索承重桥梁状态评估

  2. 基于健康监测数据的桥梁异常识别

  3. 桥梁养护决策方法


2009.08-2013.06,本科,东南大学  交通学院

2015.03-2019.06,博士,东南大学  交通学院




2020.09-2021.12,玛丽居里学者, 英国爱丁堡大学工学院

2019.08-2020.08,博士后, 香港理工大学土木与环境工程系

2017.09-2018.09,访问学者, 加拿大滑铁卢大学土木与环境工程系



1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然科学基金青年项目,服役期悬索桥吊索索夹螺栓松弛机理及其养护决策方法,2024.01-2026.12,项目牵头。

2. 科技部,国家重点研发计划,超大跨径缆索承重桥梁用关键材料研发与示范应用,2022.11-2025.10,核心骨干。

3. 交通基础设施安全风险管理交通运输行业重点实验室(南京),交通学院青年教师学科交叉项目培育基金,面向服役环境的深度学习驱动桥梁数字孪生,2023.07-2024.12,项目牵头。

4. 中交公路长大桥建设国家工程研究中心,技术咨询项目,缆索桥梁拉/吊索综合服役性能评估及预后方法研究,2023.01-2024.06,项目牵头。

5. 中交公路长大桥建设国家工程研究中心,技术咨询项目,考虑联动效应的黄埔大桥可更换约束构件服役性能状态评估及养护决策方法研究,2022.11-2025.12,项目牵头。

6. 中国科协,2022年度科技智库青年人才计划,基于深度学习的大型桥梁安全运维,2022.01-2022.12,项目牵头。

7. 欧盟,欧盟玛丽居里联合人才项目,predictive maintenance r&d project: big data, machine learning & digital twins – the forth bridges, 2020.09-2021.12,项目牵头。

8. 交通基础设施安全风险管理交通运输行业重点实验室(南京),开放基金课题,基于信号能量的大跨桥梁异常预警方法,2020.01-2020.12,项目牵头。


  1. 中国公路学会,中国公路学会科学技术奖,二等奖,基于信息融合的缆索承重桥梁智能化管养与评估关键技术研究,2019


1. ren, y., deng, c., xu*, x., wang, y., fan, z., & huang, q. (2024). climbing robot-assisted quantitative identification of sheath surface defects of stay cables. structure and infrastructure engineering, 1–14.

2. fan, z., ren*, y., li, y., song, y., deng, c., xu, x., & huang, q. (2024). fatigue analysis and strengthening measure for longitudinal steel truss diaphragms in a cable-stayed bridge. advances in structural engineering, 13694332241260078.

3. zhu, z., zhou*, m., wang, b., & xu, x. (2024). enhancing permeability and mechanical properties of rubber cement-based materials through surface modification of waste tire rubber powder. construction and building materials, 425, 136098.

4. xu*, x., lan, j., kırlangıç, s., and polak, m. a. (2023). comprehensive index condition assessment of structural concrete based on surface wave techniques. advances in bridge engineering, 4: 29.

5. xu, x., shi, c. h., ren*, y., fan, z. y., guo, z. y., zeng, x. j., jin, y., and huang, q. (2023). probabilistic anomaly detection considering multi-level uncertainties for cable-stayed bridges. structures, 58: 105448.

6. fan, z. y., xu, x., ren*, y., chang, w. j., deng, c., and huang, q. (2023). fatigue reliability analysis for suspenders of a long-span suspension bridge considering random traffic load and corrosion. structures, 56: 104981.

7. xu, d. h., xu, x., forde*, m. c., and caballero, a. (2023). concrete and steel bridge structural health monitoring—insight into choices for machine learning applications. construction and building materials, 402: 132596.

8. xu, x., xu, d. h., caballero, a., ren*, y., huang, q., chang, w. j., and forde, m. c. (2023). vehicle-induced deflection prediction using long short-term memory networks. structures, 54: 596-606.

9. xu, x., forde, m. c., caballero, a., ren*, y., and huang, q. (2023). cost-effective maintenance policy for sliding surfaces of bridge bearings using a gamma stochastic process for forecasting. structural control and health monitoring, 2023: 5751636.

10. ren, y., ye, q. w., xu*, x., huang, q., fan, z. y., li, c., and chang, w. j. (2022). an anomaly pattern detection for bridge structural response considering time-varying temperature coefficients. structures, 46: 285-298.

11. xu*, x., forde, m. c., ren, y., huang, q., and liu, b. (2022). multi-index probabilistic anomaly detection for large span bridges using bayesian estimation and evidential reasoning. structural health monitoring, 22(2): 948-965.

12. fan, z. y., ye, q. w., xu, x., ren*, y., huang, q., and li, w. z. (2022). fatigue reliability-based replacement strategy for bridge stay cables: a case study in china. structures, 39: 1176-1188.

13. xu, x., qian*, z. d., huang, q., ren, y., and liu, b. (2022). probabilistic anomaly trend detection for cable-supported bridges using confidence interval estimation. advances in structural engineering, 25(5): 966-978.

14. xu*, x., forde, m. c., ren, y., and huang, q. (2021). a bayesian approach for site-specific extreme load prediction of large scale bridges. structure and infrastructure engineering, 19(9): 1249-1262.

15. xu, x., xu*, y. l., and zhang, g. q. (2021). c-ahp rating system for routine general inspection of long-span suspension bridges. structure and infrastructure engineering, 19(5): 663-677.

16. xu, x., xu*, y. l., ren, y., and huang, q. (2021). site-specific extreme load estimation of a long-span cable-stayed bridge. asce journal of bridge engineering, 26(4): 05021001.

17. ren, y., xu*, x., liu, b., and huang, q. (2020). an age- and condition-dependent variable weight model for performance evaluation of bridge systems. ksce journal of civil engineering, 25(5): 1816-1825.

18. fan, z. y., huang, q., ren*, y., xu, x., & zhu, z. y. (2020). real-time dynamic warning on deflection abnormity of cable-stayed bridges considering operational environment variations. asce journal of performance of constructed facilities,35(1): 04020123.  

19. xu, x., ren*, y., huang, q., zhao, d. y., tong, z. j., and chang, w. j. (2020). thermal response separation for bridge long-term monitoring systems using multi-resolution wavelet-based methodologies. journal of civil structural health monitoring, 10(3): 527-541.

20. fan, z. y., huang, q., ren*, y., zhu, z. y., and xu, x. (2020). a cointegration approach for cable anomaly warning based on structural health monitoring data: an application to cable-stayed bridges. advances in structural engineering, 23(13): 2789-2802.

21. peng, j., liu, b., liu*, y. q., and xu, x. (2020). condition-based maintenance policy for systems with a non-homogeneous degradation process. ieee access, 8: 81800-81811.

22. xu, x., ren*, y., huang, q., fan, z. y., and tong, z. j. (2020). anomaly detection for large span bridges during operational phase using structural health monitoring data. smart materials and structures, 29(4): 045029.

23. 黄侨*, 赵丹阳, 任远, 许翔. (2020). 温度作用下斜拉桥挠度的时间多尺度分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 52(3): 18-25.

24. xu, x., huang*, q., ren, y., zhao, d. y., yang, j., and zhang, d. y. (2019). modelling and separation of thermal effects from cable-stayed bridge response. ascejournal of bridge engineering, 24(5): 04019028.

25. xu, x., huang*, q., ren, y., zhao, d. y., and yang, j. (2019). sensor fault diagnosis for bridge structural health monitoring system based on similarity of symmetric structure responses. smart structures and systems, 23(3): 279-293.

26. 许翔, 黄侨*, 任远, 赵丹阳, 杨娟. (2019). 大跨钢斜拉桥实测结构温度场分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 51(9), 14-21.

27. xu, x., huang*, q., ren, y., zhao, d. y., zhang, d. y., and sun, h. b. (2019). condition evaluation of suspension bridges for maintenance, repair and rehabilitation: a comprehensive framework. structure and infrastructure engineering, 15(4): 555-567.

28. ren, y., xu*, x., huang, q., zhao, d. y., and yang, j. (2019). long-term condition evaluation for stay cable systems using dead load–induced cable forces. advances in structural engineering, 22(7): 1644-1656.

29. 许翔, 任远, 黄侨*, 孙宏斌. (2018). 基于时间变权模型的悬索桥状态评估方法. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 46(6), 48-53.

30. 许翔, 黄侨*, 任远, 刘小玲. (2018). 基于群组ahp的悬索桥状态评估指标权重确定. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 45(3), 81-87.

31. xu, x., huang*, q., ren, y., and sun, h. b. (2018). condition assessment of suspension bridges using local variable weight and normal cloud model. ksce journal of civil engineering, 22(10): 4064-4072.

32. 许翔, 黄侨*, 任远. (2017). 局部变权和云理论在悬索桥综合评估中的应用. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 51(8), 1544-1550.

33. 黄侨*, 任远, 许翔, 刘小玲. (2017). 大跨缆索承重桥梁状态评估研究现状. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 46(9): 1-9.

34. 刘小玲, 黄侨*, 任远, 汪炳, 许翔. (2017). 斜拉桥多指标证据融合的综合评估方法. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 49(3): 74-79.


  1. fan, z. y., xu, x., ren, y., and huang, q. (2019). dynamic warning on abnormity of cable-stayed bridges using deflection measurements. 9thinternational conference on structural health monitoring of intelligent infrastructure, st. louis, missouri, usa.

  2. xu, x., ren, y., liu, x., and chen, r. (2016). a multisource-data-based condition assessment model for large span suspension bridges. transportation research board 96th annual meeting, washington d. c., usa.


1. 面向服役环境的深度学习驱动桥梁数字孪生, 第一届全国桥梁智能建造和运维创新大会, 2023, 广州。

2. cost-effective maintenance policy for sliding surfaces of bridge bearings using a gamma stochastic process for forecasting, 第四届土木工程防灾减灾青年学者学术会议,2023,香港,中国。

3. 面向服役环境的深度学习驱动桥梁数字孪生,第四届全国在役桥梁安全运营保障技术大会,2023,兰州。

4. 基于多指标概率分析的大型桥梁运营状态异常识别研究,2023全国桥梁学术会议,珠海。

5. 大跨径悬索桥的状态评估与预警,第三届全国既有桥梁安全管理与养护加固技术交流会,2023,青岛。

6. 基于评级系统的大型桥梁各构件检测周期确定方法,第二十五届全国桥梁学术会议,2023,南京。

7. big data and data centric engineering – large span bridges, trc2021, 2021, hangzhou, china.



1. 发明专利:黄侨; 许翔; 任远; 赵丹阳; 李俊方. 一种桥梁监测数据可靠性的验证方法,2020,中国,zl 2017 1 0496264.4

2.  发明专利:许翔; 叶乔炜; 任远; 黄侨. 一种基于短期检测数据的桥梁梁端长期累积位移估计方法,实质审查阶段。


1. 青年编委,长安大学学报,2024-2026.

2. 客座编辑,advanced data mining in bridge structural health monitoring, structural durability & health monitoring, 2024.12.31

3. 客座编辑,large scale bridges: design, construction, management and maintenanceadvances in bridge engineering, 2024.06.30

4. 中国公路学会会员

5. 江苏省对外科学技术促进会荣誉会员



地址:江苏省南京市江宁区东南大学路2号交通学院 邮编:211189

