














主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、比利时弗兰德研究基金会资助项目1项。相关研究成果发表sci/ssci论文70余篇(jcr一区45篇),第一或通讯作者sci/ssci论文40篇,入选esi高被引论文7篇,发表期刊包括transportation research part acdieee transactions on itstransportationjournal of transport geography等交通运输领域权威期刊。授权国家发明专利4项,出版中文专著2部、英文专著章节4篇,参编国家行业标准规范1部,研究成果被写入《国际交通百科全书》。





[1]  国家自然科学基金面上项目,站城融合下基于活动可达性的大型综合客运枢纽衔接网络优化,2024-2027,主持

[2]  国家自然科学基金青年项目,城市建成环境对老年人活动-出行行为影响机理及出行能力提升研究,2019-2021,主持

[3]  比利时弗兰德研究基金会(fwo)研究项目,towards proactive land use planning for an autonomous vehicle future2021-2024,主持

[4]  综合交通运输大数据应用技术交通运输行业重点实验室开放课题,站城融合下综合客运枢纽用户出行一体化衔接研究,2022-2024,主持

[5]  欧盟区域发展基金会(interreg)重大国际合作项目,small: shared multimodal mobility for all2022-2026,参与

[6]  国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目,供需信息交互下集约型公交与共享自行车出行选择机理及资源协同配置,2022-2025,参与

[7]  国家重点基础研究发展计划,枢纽群多模式交通出行票务一体化和出行全过程信息服务技术,2019-2021,参与




[1]  陈学武, 程龙.城市公共交通.人民交通出版社, 2021.

[2]  陈学武, 程龙.城市低收入人群出行方式选择机理与交通改善策略.东南大学出版社, 2018.

[3] cheng, l., de vos, j., witlox, f., 2021. transport modes and sustainability. in vickerman r.w. (ed.), international encyclopedia of transportation (pp. 710-714). elsevier, amsterdam, the netherlands.

[4] cheng, l., witlox, f., 2021. urban recreational travel. in vickerman r.w. (ed.), international encyclopedia of transportation (pp. 629-634). elsevier, amsterdam, the netherlands.



[1] si, h., li, n., cheng, l., wu, g., de vos, j., 2024. are you a happy traveler? exploring ridesourcing travelers' satisfaction and subjective well-being. transportation research part d, 128, 104108.

[2] chen, w., chen, x., cheng, l., chen, j., tao, s., 2024. locating new docked bike sharing stations considering demand suitability and spatial accessibility. travel behaviour and society, 34, 100675.

[3] zhang, t., jia, q., cheng, l., cheng, g., yang, y., 2024. travel behavior of visually impaired people before and during covid-19. travel behaviour and society, 35, 100717.

[4] cheng, l., huang, j., jin, t., chen, w., li, a., witlox, f., 2023. comparison of station-based and free-floating bikeshare systems as feeder modes to the metro. journal of transport geography, 107, 103545.

[5] cheng, l., wang, j., paez, a., 2023. mobility of older adults and the living environment: introduction. journal of transport geography, 106, 103525.

[6] tao, s., cheng, l., he, s., witlox, f., 2023. examining the non-linear effects of transit accessibility on daily trip duration: a focus on the low-income population. journal of transport geography, 109, 103600.

[7] jin, t., cheng, l., wang, s., cao, j., schwanen, t., witlox, f., 2023. do built environment factors have different effects on ridesourcing usage before and after the covid-19 pandemic? cities, 141, 104520.

[8] shen, t., cheng, l., yang, y., deng, j., jin, t., cao, m., 2023. do residents living in transit-oriented development station catchment areas travel more sustainably? the impacts of life events. journal of advanced transportation, 2023, 9318505.

[9] wang, k., chen, z., cheng, l., zhu, p., shi, j., bian, z., 2023. integrating spatial statistics and machine learning to identify relationships between e-commerce and distribution facilities in texas, us. transportation research part a, 173, 103696

[10] si, h., shi, j., hua, w., cheng, l., de vos, j., li, w., 2023. what influences people to choose ridesharing? an overview of the literature. transport reviews. https://doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2023.2208290

[11] zhang, m., li, z., si, h., cheng, l., zhou, x., wang, b., 2023. urban travel time and residential location choice: the impacts of traffic congestion. sustainable cities and society, 99, 104975.

[12] cheng, l., wang, k., de vos, j., huang, j., witlox, f., 2022. exploring non-linear built environment effects on the integration of free-floating bike-share and urban rail transport: a quantile regression approach. transportation research part a, 162, 175-187.

[13] jin, t., cheng, l., zhang, x., cao, j., qian, x., witlox, f., 2022. nonlinear effects of the built environment on metro-integrated ridesourcing usage. transportation research part d, 110, 103426.

[14] jin, t., cheng, l., wang, k., cao, j., huang, h., witlox, f., 2022. examining equity in accessibility to multitier healthcare services across different income households using estimated travel time. transport policy, 121, 1-13.

[15] jin, t., cheng, l., liu, z., cao, j., huang, h., witlox, f., 2022. nonlinear public transit accessibility effects on housing prices: heterogeneity across price segments. transport policy, 117, 48-59.

[16] yang, m., wang, z., cheng, l., chen, e., 2022. exploring satisfaction with air-hsr intermodal services: a bayesian network analysis. transportation research part a, 156, 69-89.

[17] chen, w., chen, x., cheng, l., liu, x., chen, j., 2022. delineating borders of urban activity zones with free-floating bike sharing spatial interaction network. journal of transport geography, 104, 103442.

[18] zhang, y., cao, m., cheng, l., gao, x., de vos, j., 2022. exploring the temporal variations in accessibility to health services for older adults: a case study in greater london. journal of transport & health, 24, 101334.

[19] cheng, l., shi, k., de vos, j., cao, m., witlox, f., 2021. examining the spatially heterogeneous effects of the built environment on walking among older adults. transport policy, 100, 21-30.

[20] de vos, j., cheng, l., witlox, f., 2021. do changes in the residential location lead to changes in travel attitudes? a structural equation modeling approach. transportation, 48, 2011-2034.

[21] shi, k., cheng, l., de vos, j., yang, y., cao, w., witlox, f., 2021. how does purchasing intangible services online influence the travel to consume these services? a focus on a chinese context. transportation, 48, 2605-2625.

[22] swift, a., cheng, l., loo, b.p.y., cao, m., witlox, f., 2021. step-free railway station access in the uk: the value of inclusive design. european transport research review, 13, 45.

[23] lei, d., chen, x., cheng, l., zhang, l., wang, p., wang, k., 2021. minimum entropy rate-improved trip-chain method for origin–destination estimation using smart card data. transportation research part c, 130, 103307.

[24] de vos, j., mouratidis, k., cheng, l., kamruzzaman m., 2021. does a residential relocation enable satisfying travel? transportation research part a, 153, 188-201.

[25] shi, k., de vos, j., cheng, l., yang, y., witlox, f., 2021. the influence of the built environment on online purchases of intangible services: examining the mediating role of online purchase attitudes. transport policy, 114, 116-126.

[26] wang, p., chen, x., zheng, y., cheng, l., wang, y., lei, d., 2021. providing real-time bus crowding information for passengers: a novel policy to promote high-frequency transit performance. transportation research part a, 148, 316-329.

[27] cheng, l., de vos, j., zhao, p., yang, m., witlox, f., 2020. examining non-linear built environment effects on elderly’s walking: a random forest approach. transportation research part d, 88, 102552.

[28] cheng, l., yang, j., chen, x., cao, m., zhou, h., sun, y., 2020. how could the station-based bike sharing system and the free-floating bike sharing system be coordinated? journal of transport geography, 89, 102896.

[29] cheng, l., lai, x., chen, x., yang, s., de vos, j., witlox, f., 2020. applying an ensemble-based model to travel choice behavior in travel demand forecasting under uncertainties. transportation letters, 12(6), 375-385.

[30] cheng, l., yang, m., de vos, j., witlox, f., 2020. examining geographical accessibility to multi-tier hospital care services for the elderly: a focus on spatial equity. journal of transport & health, 19, 100926.

[31] cheng, l., caset, f., de vos, j., derudder, b., witlox, f., 2019. investigating walking accessibility to recreational amenities for elderly people in nanjing, china. transportation research part d, 76, 85-99.

[32] cheng, l., de vos, j., shi, k., yang, m., chen, x., witlox, f., 2019. do residential location effects on travel behaviour differ between the elderly and younger adults? transportation research part d, 73, 367-380.

[33] cheng, l., chen, x., yang, s., cao, z., de vos, j., witlox, f., 2019. active travel for active ageing in china: the role of built environment. journal of transport geography, 76, 142-152.

[34] cheng, l., chen, x., de vos, j., lai, x., witlox, f., 2019. applying a random forest method approach to model travel mode choice behavior. travel behaviour and society, 14, 1-10.

[35] cheng, l., chen, x., yang, s., wu, j., yang, m., 2019. structural equation models to analyze activity participation and mode choice of low-income commuters. transportation letters, 11(6), 341-349.

[36] cheng, l., chen, x., lam, w.h.k., yang, s., lei, d., 2017. public transit market research of low-income commuters using attitude-based market segmentation approach. transportation research record, 2671, 10-19.

[37] cheng, l., chen, x., lam, w.h.k., yang, s., wang, p., 2017. improving travel quality of low-income commuters in china: a demand-side perspective. transportation research record, 2605, 99-108.

[38] cheng, l., chen, x., yang, s., wang, h., wu, j., 2016. modeling mode choice of low-income commuters incorporating socio-demographics, activity attributes and latent attitudinal variables: a case study in fushun, china. transportation research record, 2581, 27-36.

[39] cheng, l., chen, x., yang, s., 2016. an exploration of the relationship between socioeconomics, land use and daily trip chain pattern among low-income residents. transportation planning and technology, 39(4), 358-369.



[1] journal of transport geographyssci)领域主编,2023-

[2] transport reviewsssci)编委,2024-

[3] travel behaviour and societyssci)编委,2023-

[4] journal of transport and land usessci)编委,2022-

[5] elsevier transportation journals科学执行编辑,2020-2021

[6] 23cota国际交通科技年会(cictp)领域编辑,2022

[7] 世界交通运输大会wtc出行行为与需求调查技术委员会主席,2024-

[8] 世界交通运输大会wtc综合运输网络规划技术委员会主席,2024-

[9] 中国交通运输协会青年科技工作者工作委员会委员,2023-

[10] 美国土木工程师学会asce出行响应与服务委员会国际委员,2022-



[2] 全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(斯坦福大学),2023

[3] 东南大学至善青年学者a类,2022

[4] 江苏省双创博士,2022




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