


董智捷, 博士,教授,博士生导师


董智捷 (sasha dong),博士,东南大学青年首席教授,博士研究生导师,入选国家海外高层次青年人才计划。2011年毕业于南京大学匡亚明学院,获学士学位;2012年毕业于哥伦比亚大学土木工程系,获硕士学位;2015年毕业于康奈尔大学土木工程系,获博士学位。2024年全职回到东南大学交通学院任教授、博导,回国前曾在休斯顿大学建设管理系&工业工程系任终身制副教授,在联邦快递担任高级运筹研究员。获评为2022年世界供应链杰出女性、2021年全美十大华人杰出青年、2020年美国国家自然科学基金迷你职业奖,等。

主要研究领域包括物流供应链、灾害恢复、应急管理等。在omegatransportation research part apart bpart e等交通管理领域知名学术期刊发表sci论文近三十篇,并获得了nsfinformsiise等多项国际学术奖项。担任sustainable futures副主编,frontiers in futurecommunications engineeringjournal of traffic and transportation engineering编委,sustainabilitynatural hazards客座编辑。担任informs运输科学与物流学会货运组主席,工业与系统工程师学会(iise)物流与供应链分部主席等。近年来,作为项目负责人,主持了包括美国国家自然科学基金(nsf)、美国联邦公路管理局(fhwa)、美国能源部(doe)、国际物流和供应链协会、美国德州交通部等资助的十余项项目,经费合计约350万美金。



地址:南京市江宁区东南大学路2  东南大学交通学院(211189



联邦和州政府项目 (pi: ~$1.1 million; co-pi: ~$1.8 million)

  1. pi. “enhancing community energy resilience through solar energy and energy storage sharing", department of energy. total amount $400,000. sept 2022 to aug 2024.  

  2.  co-pi. “development of equipment rental schedule for illinois”, illinois department of transportation. total amount $262,500. aug 2022 to july 2024.

  3. co-pi. “big data analytics for digitized transportation and logistics”, texas higher education coordinating board. total amount $50,000. aug 2022 to oct 2022.  

  4.  pi (single pi). “i-corps: online social media misinformation dashboard”, national science foundation. total amount $50,000. may 2022 to oct. 2023.

  5. pi (us-side). “sequential decision analytics and its application to flood risk reduction and evacuation advisory optimization”. japan science and technology agency - national science foundation. total amount $90,000. feb 2022 to feb 2023.

  6. co-pi. “the accelerating credentials of purpose and value for the texas innovation corridor (tic) consortium grant”, the texas higher education coordinating board (thecb), total amount $1,450,000. feb. 2022 to oct. 2022.  

  7. pi. “determine evacuation planning design for disaster resilience”, texas department of transportation. total amount $ 300,628. sept. 2020 to august. 2023.

  8. pi (single pi). “crii: cif: a machine learning-based computational framework for large-scale stochastic programming”, national science foundation. total amount $251,609. june 2020 to may 2024.

  9. senior personnel. “national summer transportation institute (nsti)”, federal highway administration. total amount $57,826. march 2021 to nov. 2021.  

  10. senior personnel. “d-isn: track 2: building a community to use intelligence from online underground markets”, national science foundation. total amount $249,966. feb. 2021 to feb. 2023.  

  11. co-pi. “assessing the impacts of social distancing through data synthesis”. national science foundation-funded social science extreme events research (sseer) network and the converge facility, natural hazards center at the university of colorado, boulder. covid-19 working group for public health and social sciences research. total amount $1,000. june 2020 to july 2020.  

  12. co-pi. “national summer transportation institute (nsti)”, federal highway administration. total amount $43,228. may 2019 to sept. 2019.  

  13. pi. “industrial mathematics workshop and clinic: collaboratively tackling emerging problems in industry”, national science foundation. total amount $700 (travel grant). aug. 2018.

  14. pi. “consejos colectivos: improving stem success at hsis”, national science foundation. total amount $500 (travel grant). feb. 2018

  15. pi. “industrial mathematics workshop and clinic: collaboratively tackling emerging problems in industry”, national science foundation. total amount $700 (travel grant). jul. 2017  

企业项目 (pi: ~$0.2 million; co-pi: ~$0.5 million)

  1. pi. “circular economy for materials and plastics: centralized and decentralized approach”, shell usa, inc. total amount $62,500. jan 2024 to june 2025.

  2. co-pi. “hydrogen economy: transportation, monitoring, utilization”, shell usa, inc. total amount $62,500. jan 2024 to june 2025.

  3. pi. “designing a circular supply chain model for flexible packaging and films”, shell usa, inc. total amount $100,000. nov 2022 to aug 2024.  

  4. co-pi. “multidisciplinary public health research study for covid-19”. advanced micro devices (amd). total amount $440,000. aug. 2020 to july 2021.

  5. co-pi. “joint study for a data-intensive analysis of the nec in-vehicle passenger detection system - phase v”, nec america. total amount $9,200. nov. 2018 to aug. 2019.

  6. pi. “startup research grant: designing fresh ecommerce supply chain”, material handling institute. total amount $25,000. march 2018 to may 2020.

  7. co-pi. “joint study for a data-intensive analysis of the nec in-vehicle passenger detection system-phase iv”, nec america. total amount $30,000. oct 2017 to aug. 2018.  


  1. pi. “i-corps: online social media misinformation dashboard”, national science foundation texas state university i-corps site. total amount $3,000. nov. 2021 to june 2022.  

  2. pi. “stochastic optimization for supplier selection and pre-positioning relief supplies”, texas state university research enhancement program. total amount $8,000. jan. 2019 to may 2020.



  1. hu, s.  dong, z.s.*, & dai, r.(2024). a machine learning based sample average approximation for supplier selection with option contract in humanitarian relief. transportation research part e: logistics and transportation review, 79(0), 231-243.

  2. meng, l.,dong, z.s.*, & liu, d. (2023). ridesharing models for disaster response. computers and industrial engineering. 184, 109565.

  3. li, q., jing., r., & dong, z.s.* (2023). flight delay prediction with priority information of weather and non-weather features. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 24(7), 7149-7165.

  4. jiang, z., ji, r., & dong, z.s. (2023). a distributionally robust chance-constrained model for humanitarian relief network design. or spectrum. 1-43.

  5. jiang, z., chen, y., yang, t-y., ji, w., dong, z.s., & ji, r. leveraging machine learning and simulation to advance disaster preparedness assessments through fema national household survey data. sustainability. 15 (10), 8035.  

  6. hu, q., hu, s., tao, s.*, & dong, z.s. (2023). a multi-stage stochastic programming approach for pre-positioning of relief supplies considering returns. socio-economic planning sciences. 88, 101617.

  7. chen, h., guo, p., jimenez, j., dong, z.s.*, & cheng, w. (2022). unrelated parallel machine photolithography scheduling problem with dual resource constraints. ieee transactions on semiconductor manufacturing, 36 (1), 100-112.

  8. dong, z.s., xie, c., dai, r. & hu, s.* (2022). resilient route design for collection of material from suppliers with split deliveries and stochastic demands. computers and operations research, 146, 105902.

  9. galasso, c., mcnair, j., fujii, m. & dong, z.s. (2022). resilient infrastructure. nature communications engineering, 1, 27.  

  10. liu, d.,dong, z.s.*, & qiu, g. (2022). exploring the contagion effect of social media on mass shootings.  computers and industrial engineering, 172, 108565

  11. hu, s.,dong, z.s.* & lev, b. (2022). supplier selection in disaster operations management: review and research gap identification. socio-economic planning sciences. 82, 101302.

  12. liu, d., ding, w., dong, z.s.*, & pedrycz, w. (2022). optimizing deep neural networks to predict the effect of social distancing on covid-19 spread. computers and industrial engineering, 166, 10790.  

  13. gong, z., wei, g., cai, m., & dong, z. s. (2021). guest editorial to the special issue: big data analysis and management: climate economics, meteorological hazards and environmental risk. natural hazards, 107(3), 2709-2713.

  14. dong, z.s.*, meng, l.,christenson, l., & fulton, l. (2021). social media information sharing for natural disaster response. natural hazards. 107, 2077–2104.

  15. wang, y., dong, z.s.*, & hu, s. (2021). a stochastic prepositioning model for distribution of disaster supplies considering lateral transshipment. socio-economic planning sciences. 74, 100930.

  16. olanrewajua, o.,dong, z.s.*, & hu, s. (2020). supplier selection decision making in disaster response. computers and industrial engineering, 143, 106412.

  17. dong, z.s., chen, w., zhao, q. & li, j.*. (2020). optimal pricing and inventory strategies for introducing a new product based on demand substitution effects. journal of industrial and management optimization, 13(5), 1-15.

  18. hu, s., han, c., dong, z.s., & meng, l.*. (2019). a multi-stage stochastic programming model for relief distribution considering the state of road network. transportation research part b: methodological, 23, 64-87.  

  19. fulton, l.*, dong, z., zhan, f.b., kruse, c.s., & stigler granados, p. (2019). geospatial-temporal and demand models for opioid admissions, implications for policy. journal of clinical medicine, 8, 993.

  20. hu, s. & dong, z.s.* (2019).supplier selection and pre-positioning strategy in humanitarian relief. omega - international journal of management science, 83, 287-293.  

  21. tao, s.& dong, z.s.* (2018). multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem with alternative project structure. computers and industrial engineering, 125, 333-347.

  22.  li, q., tao, s.*, chong, h-y & dong, z.s. (2018). robust optimization for integrated construction scheduling and multiscale resource allocation. complexity, vol. 2018, article id 2697985, 17 pages.

  23.  zhao, w., xu, l., dong, z. s.*, qi, b., qin, l. & ran, b. (2018). improving transfer feasibility for older travelers inside high-speed train station. transportation research part a: policy and practice, 13, 302-317.

  24. zhao, q.*, turnquist, m. a., dong, z. & he, x. (2018). multiclass probit-based origin-destination estimation using multiple data types. journal of transportation engineering, part a: systems, 144(6), 04018018.1

  25. meng, q.*, dong, z. s., he, l., * dong, j. (2018). forecasting service quality dynamics based on integrated method with gm(1,1) model and markov chain. tehnički vjesnik, 25 (5), 1437-1446.  

  26. tao, s. & dong, z.s.* (2017). scheduling resource-constrained project problem with alternative activity chains. computers and industrial engineering,14, 288-296.

  27. liang, r., dong, z. *, sheng, z., wang, x. & wu, c. (2017).  case study of selecting decision-making schemes in large-scale infrastructure projects. journal of infrastructure systems, 23(3), 06017001.

  28. dong, z.*, wang, m. & yang, x.  (2016). comparative study of china and usa public private partnerships in public transportation. journal of modern transportation, 24(3), 215–223.  

  29. dong, z*. & turnquist, m.a. (2015). combining service frequency and vehicle routing for managing supplier shipments. transportation research part e: logistics and transportation review, 79(0), 231-243.


  1. ezzati, f.,xiao, j.,dong, z.s., jiao, j., vargas, a., & yeh, v. (2023). developing of a resilience-focused power outage vulnerability index for residential communities. proceedings of 50th computers & industrial engineering (cie 50) conference.

  2. yang, h., che, d., hu, s., & dong, z. s. (2023). collaborative prepositioning for dynamic and uncertain demand. proceedings of the iise annual conference.

  3. yang, h.,che, d., hu. s., & dong, z.s. (2023). multi-agency collaborative prepositioning method in disaster relief. proceedings of 50th computers & industrial engineering (cie50) conference.

  4. zhang, j., liang, c., shi., j., lim. g., pan. y., wang. k., & dong, z.s. (2023). assessment of port resilience: an analytical framework based on transportation and electrical power network coupling. 2023 proceedings of ieee electric ship technologies symposium (ests).

  5. jacobson, d., hassan, m., dong, z.s. (2021). exploring the effect of clustering algorithms on sample average approximation. proceedings of the iise annual conference.(运筹学部本科生科研传播奖三等奖)

  6. little, a.,dong, z.s., little, a., & qiu, g. (2020). exploring social media misinformation in the covid-19 pandemic using convolutional neural network. proceedings of the informs conference on service science.

  7. meng, l., & dong, z.s. (2020). ridesharing models for disaster response. proceedings of the iise annual conference.(物流和供应链方向最佳会议论文奖)

  8. dong, z.s., hu, s. & ji, r. (2019). a cvar based facility location model for uncertain demand in disaster operation management. proceedings of the iise annual conference.  

  9. hu, s., hu, q., tao, s. & dong, z.s. (2019). a multi-stage stochastic programming approach for prepositioning of relief supplies. proceedings of the iise annual conference.

  10. dong, z.s., hu, s. & ji, r. (2019). a sample average approximation for facility location considering uncertain demand. proceedings of the iise annual conference.  

  11. olanrewaju, o.,dong, z.s., & hu, s. (2019). a multi-stage stochastic programming model for prepositioning relief supplies under dynamic and uncertain demand. proceedings of the iise annual conference.(建模与仿真方向最佳会议论文奖)

  12. meng, l.,christenson, l., & dong, z.s. (2019). strategic development of fresh e-commerce with respect to new retail.  proceedings of the16th ieee international conference on networking, sensing and control.

  13. meng, l., liu, z. & dong, z.s. (2019). study on travel frequency patterns of public bike systems and bike sharing systems. proceedings of the 25th international conference on production research.

  14. dong, z.s., tao, s. & shi, q. (2018). coupling resource allocation and project scheduling considering resource scarcity. proceedings of the iise annual conference.(工程管理方向最佳会议论文奖)

*代表通讯作者,  _代表被指导学生/博士后



地址:江苏省南京市江宁区东南大学路2号交通学院 邮编:211189

