



李铁柱,博士,教授,博士生导师,东南大学交通学院运输与物流工程系 副主任







主持和参与了国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等6项。河南、江苏、安徽等地市工程项目40余项。国内外发表sci/ei检索学术文章60余篇。科学出版社出版城市公交专用道规划理论与方法城市交通系统能源消耗与环境影响分析方法等著作2部。安阳市城市公共交通规划获得 2015年河南省优秀工程勘察设计城市规划设计二等奖。南京市高淳区村庄布点规划获得2016年度江苏省第十七届优秀工程设计二等奖、2016年江苏省城乡建设系统优秀勘察设计二等奖。2021年获得东南大学教学成果奖特等奖,江苏省教学成果奖特等奖。指导本科生获得江苏省交通科技大赛一等奖,全国交通科技大赛二等奖。


l  交通环境与能源,

l  驾驶行为,

l  轨道交通运营,

l  智能公交,

l  交通运输规划与管理,

l  物流系统规划与管理



l  20158月弗吉尼亚理工理工交通运输研究所(vtti)高级访问学者;

l  20148月英国利兹大学交通运输研究所高级访问学者

l  2007.9-2008.8美国加州大学伯克利分校交通研究所访问学者。

l  1999.03-2002.04,东南大学交通运输规划与管理,博士研究生

l  1996.9-199.2,洛阳工学院,车辆工程,硕士研究生

l  1990.9-1994.7,洛阳工学院,汽车拖拉机专业,本科


2002年至今 东南大学交通学院


1.  国家重点研发计划  政府间国际科技创新合作  2.7 中国和欧盟科技创新合作联合资助机制研究 创新合作项目,面向低排放的驾驶员行为修正关键技术研究(2021yfe0112700(2021.10-2024.9) 

2.  中国工程院战略研究与咨询项目“‘新基建’思维改造传统公路交通基础设施战略研究”子课题二“新能源交通运输体系与绿色交通发展对策(2020.10-2022.6

3.  国家自然科学基金项目,轻型机动车尾气排放劣化率模型构建及应用研究,(418773951)(2019-2022

4.  江苏航天信诺信息科技有限公司,柴油车污染防治及重型柴油车在线监控管理专题报告(2022-2026

5.  江苏轨道交通产业发展协同创新基地开放基金项目,故障情况下城市轨道交通运营组织技术研究 (gcxc2103)(2022-2023

6.  江苏轨道交通产业发展协同创新基地开放基金项目,轨道交通网络化运营条件下的短时客流预测技术(gcxc2104) (2022-2023

7.  一汽-大众汽车有限公司,中华环保基金会,考虑行程时间与能耗分布的公交服务动态优化方法(2022-2023

8.  北京市智慧交通发展中心,首都机场线北新桥站大客流疏散仿真(2022

9.  江苏省交通厅,城乡公交一体化信息及服务系统标准研究(2021







16.南京市宏观经济研究中心,打造南京国际航空物流枢纽的路径及对策研究 2020

17.国家重点研发计划  政府间国际科技创新合作 境外产业园区规划技术合作研究与示范应用(2016yfe0201000)(2017-2020





22.教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,基于pems技术的城市  公交车辆尾气排放及燃料消耗特性与分析模型研究(2012-2013







29.许昌万达广场置业有限公司  许昌万达广场交通影响评价,(2017);


31.万里运业股份公司, 许昌汽车中心站交通影响评价(2016);

32.南京市江宁区科技局,基于快速交通体系的江宁区美丽乡村建设策略研究 (2016);

33.南京市交通局 南京市公共交通统一调度体系化研究(2015);






39.芜湖市城乡规划局 芜湖市总体规划综合交通专题研究(2011);







46.河南省许昌市城乡规划局 许昌市城市综合交通规划,(2009-2010);




²  专著:

1.  王炜,项乔君,常玉林,李铁柱,李修刚. 城市交通系统能源消耗与环境影响分析方法.北京:科学出版社,2002.12.

2.  李铁柱等 城市公交专用道规划理论与方法,北京:科学出版社,2012.05.

²  技术标准:

1.  江苏省团体标准,江苏省城乡公交智能化服务标准

2.  江苏省团体标准,江苏省城乡公交特色服务信息系统

²  专利:

1.  一种面向大规模纯电动公交车辆调度问题的自适应大型邻域搜索方法,20210122  专利类型:发明公开

2.  一种新能源公交协同调度与节能驾驶系统及其控制方法;专利公开日:20210525专利类型:发明公开

3.  一种基于rfid数据获取区间速度的方法,2019,发明公开

4.  一种基于改进蚁群算法的公共自行车动态调度方法,2017,发明公开

5.  一种基于gis和公交gps数据的公交线路匹配方法,201610453936.9

6.  一种基于gispems的城市公交线路节点处排放估算方法,201610521796.4

7.  一种基于线圈检测器的公交车到达时间预测方法  201410168651.1

8.  一种公交专用道线圈检测器布设方法    201410169835.x


²  期刊论文:

1.  zhang, aijia ; li, tiezhu ; zheng, yue ; li, xuefeng ; abdullah, muhammad ghazanfar ; dong, changyin.mixed electric bus fleet scheduling problem with partial mixed-route and partial recharging,international. journal of sustainable transportation,2022,16(1)73-83

2.  ran tu , lei xue , chunsheng meng , lifeng xu , tiezhu li* , haibo chen.identifying specifications of in-use vehicles failing the inspection/maintenance emission test.transportation research part d 108 (2022) 103327

3.  liu, ye ; chen, haibo ; li, ying ; gao, jianbing ; dave, kaushali ; chen, junyan ; li, tiezhu ; tu, ranexhaust and non-exhaust emissions from conventional and electric vehicles a comparison of monetary impact valuesjournal of cleaner productionjanuary 10, 2022

4.  陈津怡;魏景丽;李铁柱;孙赫杨;基于高速公路交通量的城市交通联系强度评价。交通运输工程与信息学报,journal of transportation engineering and information2021-03-12

5.  zhang, aj;li, tz;tu, r;dong, cy;chen, hb;gao, jb;liu, y.the effect of nonlinear charging function and line change constraints on electric bus scheduling.promet-traffic & transportation2021.334

6.  gao, jb;chen, hb;liu, y;li, y;li, tz;tu, r;liang, b;ma, cc.the effect of after-treatment techniques on the correlations between driving behaviours and nox emissions of passenger cars.journal of cleaner production2021.288

7.  tu, r;li, tz;meng, cs;chen, jy;sheng, z;xie, ys;xie, fj;yang, f;chen, hb;li, y;gao, jb;liu, y.real-world emissions of construction mobile machines and comparison to a non-road emission model.science of the total environment2021771

8.  zhang, aj;li, tz;zheng, y;li, xf;abdullah, mg;dong, cy.mixed electric bus fleet scheduling problem with partial mixed-route and partial recharging.international journal of sustainable transportation2021161),73-83doi10.1080/15568318.2021.1914791jan 3 2022

9.  gao, jb;chen, hb;liu, y;laurikko, j;li, y;li, tz;tu, r.comparison of nox and pn emissions between euro 6 petrol and diesel passenger cars under real-world driving conditions.science of the total environment,:2021.801

10.  彭洲红;李铁柱.南京建设国际航空物流枢纽的策略探讨.改革与开放,202019.

11.  yang, y;li, tz;zhang, t;yu, q.time dimension analysis: comparison of nanjing local driving cycles in 2009 and 2017.sustainable cities and society2020.

12.  gao jianbing;chen haibo;liu ye;li ying;li tiezhu;tu ran;liang biao;ma chaochen.the effect of after-treatment techniques on the correlations between driving behaviours and nox emissions of a passenger cars.journal of cleaner production2020-12-24

13.  nan, sr;yan, l;tu, r;li, tz.modeling lane-transgressing behavior of e-bike riders on road sections with marked bike lanes: a survival analysis approach.traffic injury prevention2020.222.

14.  yang yang;tiezhu li;;tao zhang;qian yu..comparison of nanjing local driving cycles in 2009 and 2017.sustainable cities and society.2020.53(sci)

15.  fangyi yang, weihua gu, michael j. cassidy, xin li, tiezhu li. achieving higher taxi outflows from a drop-off lane: a simulation-based study, transportation research part c: emerging technologies, volume 115, 2020,102623, issn 0968-090x, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2020.102623.sciif>5.7

16.  zhang, b;chen, sy;ma, yf;li, tz;tang, k.analysis on spatiotemporal urban mobility based on online car-hailing data.journal of transport geography2020.82

17.  gao, jb;chen, hb;dave, k;chen, jy;li, y;li, tz;liang, b.analysis of driving behaviours of truck drivers using motorway tests.proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part d-journal of automobile engineering2020

18.  陈许冬;李铁柱;胡鸿飞.南京市轻型车不同工况下污染物排放分析,交通运输工程与信息学报,2019,第1101-109

19.  zuo,fangmin;li,tiezhu.study on integrated design method of transport and land use for junction center station of urban rail transit.cictp 2019: transportation in china - connecting the world - proceedings of the 19th cota international conference of transportation professionals ,4841-4852

20.  ren,ping;li,tiezhu;abdullah,muhammad ghazanfar.research on design method of traffic infrastructure and land use integration at urban rail transit central station.cictp 2019: transportation in china - connecting the world - proceedings of the 19th cota international conference of transportation professionals ,2019:4805-4816

21.  pan,yj;chen, sy;li,tz;niu, sf;tang, k.exploring spatial variation of the bus stop influence zone with multi-source data: a case study in zhenjiang, chinajournal of transport geography .2019,76:166-177.(sci)

22.  yang,y;li,tz;hu,hf;zhang,t;cai,xh;chen,sy;qiao,fx.6.development and emissions performance analysis of local driving cycle for small-sized passenger cars in nanjing, china. atmospheric pollution research ;2019;10,5:1514-1523(sci)

23.  meng,chunsheng;li,tiezhu.analyzing the implementation of the policy of online car-hailing based on a structural equation model.  cictp 2019: transportation in china - connecting the world - proceedings of the 19th cota international conference of transportation professionals ;2019:5364-5375

24. 杜海燕;李铁柱.新西兰交通工程项目效率评价方法.2018世界交通运输大会论文集.

25. 徐淼;陈津怡;李铁柱.新时代农村公路规划新思路.2018世界交通运输大会论文集. 

26. 杨方宜 李铁柱  大型综合客运枢纽送站坪的车辆延误,中国公路学报,第31卷第9期,20189月;(ei

27. 杨方宜 李铁柱 大型综合客运枢纽送站坪交通特性及通行能力,浙江大学学报(工学版),第51 卷第11期,201711月。(ei

28. 李铁柱  刘梦淼  创新型科技园区快速交通条件构建策略研究 现代城市研究,2017

29. yang yang,li tiezhu understanding the utilization characteristics of bicycle sharing systems in underdeveloped cities: case of xuchang city, china.  transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board, no 2634, 2017  (sci)

30. yang yang, li tiezhu. a methodology for evacuation capacity of urban underground road . presented at the world conference on transport research society (wctrs) in september 2016, shanghai, china, published in transportation research procedia (tppro).

31. hu hongfei  li tiezhu. the concentration distribution of exposures to particulate air pollution on different road sections. presented at the world conference on transport research society (wctrs) in september 2016, shanghai, china, published in transportation research procedia (tppro).

32. 刘梦淼  李铁柱 新型农村社区建设中的城乡公交规划研究  现代城市研究,2016

33. qian yu, tiezhu li improving urban bus emission and fuel consumption modeling by incorporating passenger load factor for real world drivingapplied energy 161 (2016) 101111 (sciif=5.6)

34. 于谦  李铁柱 乘客载重量对柴油公交车动态尾气排放影响分析  浙江大学学报(工学版) 2016.ei

35. 王雷,李铁柱  城市公交尾气排放空间自相关分析, 交通运输工程与信息学报,2016.

36. zhang, jl (zhang, jielin); li, tz (li, tiezhu)   model of bus and urban rail transfer behavior based on general cost functionadvances in mechanical engineering 2015 vol 7( 2) (sci)

37. tong can, li tiezhu. car driving safety analysis in rainy and snowy weather based on adams/car, cictp2015.

38.    study of road capacity considering the influence of driving psychology. cictp 2014: safe, smart, and sustainable multimodal transportation systems - proceedings of the 14th cota international conference of transportation professionals, p 2614-2630, 2014.ei

39.  energy consumption and emission of pollutants from electric bicycles  applied mechanics and materials, v 505-506, p 327-333, 2014。(ei

40.    emission characteristics of cng/gasoline dual-fuel taxi. applied mechanics and materials, v 505-506, p 365-369, 2014ei

41. 钱 芳 李铁柱  城市驾驶员分类指标研究 交通运输工程与信息学报. 2014 3 月 第12卷 第1期:  92-96

42. 张杰林 李铁柱  基于竞争模型的轨道交通与常规公交共线分析. 交通信息与安全,2014年,第32卷第4期 总185期: 108-118

43. ; ; ;   基于gis 的车辆排放监测辅助分析平台开发 2014  交通运输工程与信息学报,2014 9 月第 12 卷第 3 期 :91-98

44. qianyu tiezhu li, evaluation of bus emissions generated near bus stops. atmospheric environment 85 (2014): 195-203 (sciif=3.65)

45. 任彦铭  李铁柱  城市主干路路段车速分布特性研究 交通运输工程与信息学报  20131103  2013-09-15

46. ; ; ;公交车辆节能减排驾驶技术研究 交通运输工程与信息学报 , journal of transportation engineering and information, 20131102  2013-06-15

47. 陈许冬 李铁柱 严振兴  城市道路轻型汽油车细颗粒物的排放特性.江苏大学学报,2013343):254-260.

48. tiezhu li, xudong chen, zhenxing yan  comparison of fine particles emissions of light-duty gasoline vehicles from chassis dynamometer tests and on-road measurements. atmospheric environment 2012 sciif=3.65

49. xudong chen, tiezhu li and yanming ren  environmental traffic capacity of urban intersection .proceedings of the 12th cota international conference of transportation professionals(cictp 2012), august 3-6,2012, beijing ,china,cictp 2012 © asce 2012   2789-2800(ei)

50. qian yu, tiezhu li, mengting wu and qiuyan chen.influence of operating characteristic of on-road gasoline passenger car on emission in nanjing, china. proceedings of the 12th cota international conference of transportation professionals(cictp 2012), august 3-6,2012, beijing ,china, cictp 2012 © asce 2012   2801-2812(ei)

51. tie-zhu li, zhi-gao zhu, and wei he. traffic assignment model with environmental traffic capacity. icctp 2011: towards sustainable transportation systems - proceedings of the 11th international conference of chinese transportation professionalsamerican society of civil engineers (asce), 1801 alexander graham bell drive, reston, va 20191-4400,united states2011pages: 2558-2570。(ei检索,accession number: 20114014393291

52. li, tie-zhu ; wang, xi-wei .dynamic traffic assignment based on a cell transmission model and environmental traffic capacity. icctp 2011: towards sustainable transportation systems - proceedings of the 11th international conference of chinese transportation professionalsamerican society of civil engineers (asce), 1801 alexander graham bell drive, reston, va 20191-4400,united states2011pages: 2545-2557 。(ei检索,accession number: 20114014393290

53. 李铁柱 丁建友 孙云峰  何炜  城市主干道公交专用道设置交通条件研究. 昆明理工大学学报 2010351):56-60.

54. 王希伟 李铁柱.基于健康损失的峡谷型路段环境交通阻抗模型.东南大学学报,2010401):196-200 (ei检索)

55. 吴孟庭 李铁柱.考虑环境影响的公交专用道规划方案评价研究.交通运输工程与信息学报,201081):82-89

56. 李铁柱 林锦山 吴孟庭 王希伟.城市环境交通容量空间分析方法研究.东南大学学报,2009396): 1274-1278 (ei检索)

57. tiezhu li; jinshan lin; mengting wu; xiwei wang. concept and the spatial analysis method of urban environmental traffic capacity.  asce's journal of transportation engineering, 200913511):873-879. (sci检索)

58. 朱志高 李铁柱.环境目标下的路段交通结构优化模型研究.武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2009332):227-230

59. 王希伟 李铁柱.基于改进蚁群算法的车辆路径选择研究.佛山科学技术学院学报(自然科学版)2009275):9-13

60. 吴孟庭 李铁柱.路段公交专用道对车辆燃油消耗与污染物排放的影响分析.交通运输工程与信息学报,200973):78-86

61. 杜丹丹 李铁柱.锯齿形公交优先进口道的设计与延误分析.佛山科学技术学院学报(自然科学版)2009272):9-13

62. 李茜 李铁柱.公交专用道绿波信号设置及仿真模拟分析.佛山科学技术学院学报(自然科学版)2009271):38-42

63. 李铁柱 朱志高. 城市道路路段环境交通容量. 东南大学学报, 2008382):309-313.(ei检索)

64. li tie-zhuwang xi-wei. study on the vehicle routing problem based on improved ga-greedy algorithm. 2008 international conference of chinese logistics and transportation professionals, october,2008, southwest jiaotong university chengdu, china, asce2808-2813.(ei检索)

65. zhu zhi-gao, li tiezhu.  optimal total vehicle pollutants   emission quantity based on link traffic capacity constraints. journal of transportation systems engineering and information technologyinternational edition (online english edition of the chinese language journal),2008. (corresponding author),(ei检索)

66. 朱志高 李铁柱.基于路段通行能力限制的机动车污染物总排放量最优化研究. 交通运输系统工程与信息,200882):80-84.  (ei检索)

67. zhu zhigao,li tiezhu. environmental traffic capacity and traffic structure optimization on urban road. the 11th international ieee conference on intelligent transportation systems ,beijing, china, october , 2008.329-333 (ei检索)

68. 李铁柱 王炜 李修刚. 城市交通规划中机动车空气污染影响分析技术及其应用.交通运输系统工程与信息, 200552):90-96.


1.  安阳市城市公共交通规划获得 2015年河南省优秀工程勘察设计城市规划设计二等奖。

2.  南京市高淳区村庄布点规划获得2016年度江苏省第十七届优秀工程设计二等奖、2016年江苏省城乡建设系统优秀勘察设计二等奖。

3.  2021年获得东南大学教学成果奖特等奖,江苏省教学成果奖特等奖。



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