





(86-25) 5209-1269


徐宿东,男,博士,教授,博士研究生导师。现任东南大学交通学院港口航道与海岸工程系系主任,河流海洋研究中心主任。致力于河口海岸的水动力模拟研究,以及水路交通运输科研工作。主持完成了多项国家自然基金、厅局级和企业委托的科研项目。并在《coastal engineering》,《ocean engineering》和《hydrological process》等国际知名期刊上发表论文。欢迎有港口航道与海岸工程、交通工程、数学建模等方面基础,对科研有兴趣的同学报考研究生。


19972001 海岸及海洋工程专业学习,获得学士学位;

20012004 在河海大学港口海岸及近海工程专业学习,获得硕士学位;

2004.82007.4 在美国佛罗里达州立大学土木及环境工程系学习,获得博士学位










  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51879043海岸带柔性植被环境下波浪动力衰减的数值模拟方法与机理研究2019/01-2022/1260万元、在研、主持。

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51209040、不同重现期风暴潮极端高水位的预测方法研究、2013/01-2015/1225万元,已结题,主持。

  3. 国家重点实验室开放基金项目(2009zd)、江苏省沿海风暴潮极端水位预测方法研究、主持。

  4. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目(bk2012341)、基于联合概率与水动力模型的风暴潮极端水位方法研究、主持。

  5. 广东省交通运输厅科技项目(科技-2013-02-046)、横门东出海航道水沙运动规律及回淤机理研究、已结题、主持。

  6. 江苏省交通运输科技项目(20151/05)、极端台风暴潮及波浪对江苏沿海航道回淤影响---以灌河口航道为例、已结题、主持。

  7. 江苏省交通运输科技项目(2017t29)、江苏沿海港口一体化保障体系研究、已结题、主持。

  8. 南京市交通局项目、南京航运交易中心航运金融保险及结算需求调研报告服务项目、已结题、主持。


(1) 徐宿东(5/5), 内河限制性航道生态型护岸关键技术研究与应用中国航海学会,科技进步其他, 2016.12.23


  1. yin, kai, xu, sudong*, huang, wenrui, 2019. modeling beach profile changes by typhoon impacts at xiamen coast. natural hazards, 95:783-804.

  2. tang s, xu s, gao j. an optimal model based on multifactors for container throughput forecasting[j]. ksce journal of civil engineering, 2019: 1-8.

  3. yin, kai, xu, sudong*, huang, wenrui, 2018. estimating extreme sea levels in yangtze estuary by quadrature joint probability optimal sampling method, coastal engineering140, 331-341.

  4. yin, kai; xu, sudong*; huang, wenrui; xie, yang, 2017. effects of sealevel rise and typhoon intensity on storm surge and waves in pearl riverestuary, ocean engineering, 136(5): 80~93

  5. yin, kai, xu, sudong*, huang, wenrui, 2016. modeling sediment concentration and transport induced by storm surge in hengmen eastern access channel. natural hazards, 82(1):617-642.

  6. chen, yimei, xu, sudong* and jin, ying. 2016. evaluation on ecological restoration capability of revetment in inland restricted channel. , 20(6):2548-2558.

  7. xu, sudong*, li, rui and yin, kai. 2015. habitat evaluation for target species following deep-water channel regulations in the yangtze river. journal of southeast university (english edition), 31(4): 559-565.

  8. chen, yimei, huang, wenrui and xu, sudong*. 2014. frequency analysis of extreme water levels in east and southeast coasts of china with analysis on effect of sea level rise, journal of coastal research. special issue 68, 105-112.

  9. xu, sudong. and wenrui huang. 2014. . ocean engineering, 75, 174-179.

  10. xu, sudong., yin, kai, huang, wenrui, zheng, wei. 2014. numerical simulation of typhoon-induced storm surge based on coupled hydrodynamic and wave models in the coast of jiangsu province, china. journal of southeast university (english edition), 30, 489-494.

  11. xu, sudong., wenrui huang, . 2014. integrating monte carlo and hydrodynamic models for estimating extreme water levels by storm surge in colombo, sri lanka, natural hazards. 71, 703-721.

  12. 王文鼎,徐宿东,高峰,2014.波流耦合模型在风暴潮波浪增水推算中的应用,水道港口,35卷,4期,337-342.

  13. xu, sudong. and wenrui huang. 2013. effects of sea level rise on frequency analysis of 1% annual maximum water levels in the coast of floridaocean engineering 71, 96-102.

  14. chen, yimei., xu, sudong*. and lin, q., 2012. quantitative application study on remote sensing of suspended sediment, china ocean engineering 26, 483-494.

  15. xu, sudong. and wenrui huang. 2011. estimating extreme water levels with long-term data by gev distribution at wusong station near shanghai city in yangtze estuary, ocean engineering38, 468–478.

  16. huang, wenrui. and xu, sudong.. 2009. neural network and harmonic analysis for recovering missing extreme water level data during hurricanes in florida. journal of coastal research25417-426.

  17. xu, sudong., and wenrui huang, 2008. frequency analysis for predicting 1% annual maximum water levels in florida coast. international journal of hydrological process22, 4507–4518.

  18. huang, wenrui and xu, sudong. 2008. evaluation of gev model for frequency-occurrence analysis of extreme coastal water levels in the united states, ocean engineering35, 1132– 1147.

  19. xu, sudong. and wenrui huang, 2008. integrated hydrodynamic modeling and frequency analysis for predicting 1% storm surge in pensacola bay. journal of coastal research special issue 52, 253-260.



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