





办公地点: 东南大学九龙湖校区交通学院大楼705







1. 桥梁工程

2. 桥梁结构设计理论

3. 桥梁组合结构

4. 高性能混凝土材料



2004.03-2008.07 哈尔滨工业大学交通学院桥梁与隧道工程系,博士,导师:黄侨教授

2001.09-2004.01 哈尔滨工业大学交通学院桥梁与隧道工程系,硕士,导师:黄侨教授

1997.09-2001.07 哈尔滨工业大学交通学院桥梁与隧道工程系,学士



2019.3-至今    东南大学交通学院桥梁系,副主任

2013.12-至今   东南大学交通学院桥梁系,博士生导师

2013.09-2014.09 美国匹兹堡大学访问学者


2012.04-至今   东南大学交通学院桥梁系,副教授

2010.12-2012.03 东南大学交通学院桥梁系,讲师

2008.10-2010.11 东南大学交通学院桥梁系,博士后,导师:叶见曙教授




1.      国家自然科学基金:交通土建工程中基于有机半导体g-c3n4 的光催化降解nox应用基础研究(51208102),主持。

2.      江苏省自然科学基金面上项目:定向钢纤维uhpc 纤维定向机理、材料力学性能及uhpc-nc组合梁基本力学性能研究(bk20221472),主持。

3.      教育部博士后科学基金:波纹钢腹板预弯组合梁弯曲力学性能研究(20100471368),主持。

4.      “六大人才高峰”第十二批:圆环腹梁力学性能研究(jy-003),主持。

5.      交通部西部交通建设科技项目:大中跨径混凝土桥梁预应力检测技术研究(200538181215),参与,排名2

6.      行业标准编写:《公路桥梁加固质量检验评定标准》,参与,排名2

7.      国家自然科学基金面上项目:波纹钢腹板预弯槽型梁静力学性能研究(51078078),参与,排名2

8.      863项目:大跨径预应力混凝土连续箱梁桥长期下挠和开裂的控制研究(2007aa11z106),参与,排名5

9.      吉林省交通厅科技项目:钢-混凝土组合连续梁桥结构力学性能分析及设计方法研究,参与,排名2

10.  横向课题:宁波机场南延线工程槽型梁力学特性研究,主持。

11.  横向课题:波形钢腹板预应力组合槽型梁力学性能和施工工艺研究,主持。


²  技术标准:

《预弯预应力组合梁桥技术规程》cjj/t 276-2018


²  期刊论文:



1.      yongming xiong, ming yang, yan yuan, yan liu, jiankai zhao, heng shi. anisotropic behavior in the flexural properties of aligned steel fiber uhpc produced by electromagnetic field. journal of building engineering.2024,94(10):109854

2.      yongming xiong, ming yang, linjie tian, ziye yang. forced vibration equation and vehicle–bridge coupling analysis of composite trough girder with corrugated steel webs. ksce journal of civil engineering.2024,28(7):2836-2846

3.      yongming xiong, ming yang, heng shi, jiankai zhao, yan yuan, xiaoyue guo. axial compression behavior of concrete-filled prefabricated aligned steel fiber uhpc tubes. journal of building engineering.2024,89(7):109353

4.      yongming xiong, ming yang, jiankai zhao, yan yuan, yan liu, heng shi. transverse isotropic compression behavior of aligned steel fiber uhpc produced by electromagnetic field. construction and building materials.2024,411(1):134579

5.      yan yuan, ming yang, xiangwen shang, yongming xiong, yuyang zhang. predicting the compressive strength of uhpc with coarse aggregates in the context of machine learning. case studies in construction materials.2023,19(12):e02627

6.      xiong, y., yang, m., zhang, y., shi, h., zhao, j. and yuan, y.. study on the electromagnetic field aligning steel fibres in uhpc reinforced beams: effect, mechanism and flexural behavior. cement and concrete composites.2023,143(10):105251

7.      常山,张海龙,杨明,陈章,芦旭朝. 节段拼装钢结构主梁弯曲性能试验研究. 工业建筑.2023,53(6):122-128

8.      钱建奇,张海龙,杨明,黄侨,田林杰. 预弯组合梁截面抗弯承载力计算方法的再研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报.2022,54(3):65-73

9.      ming yang, linjie tian, yan yuan, ziye yang. the study on composite trough beam with corrugated steel web wrapped with steel plate: experiment and bending properties. journal of constructional steel research.2021,185(10):106853

10.  ziye yang; ming yang; xueliang rong; and linjie tian. theoretical and numerical study on dynamic characteristics of composite trough girder with corrugated steel webs. j. bridge eng.2021,26(3):04021008

11.  常山,杨明,田林杰,袁鹏飞. 正八边形钢板腹梁弯曲性能试验研究. 特种结构.2020,36(6):1-6

12.  卢尧,鞠秀颖,杨明,常山,袁鹏飞,田林杰. 单肢转双肢薄壁高墩桥梁的抗震性能. 深圳大学学报理工版.2020,37(2):151-157

13.  田林杰,杨明,常山,卢尧,谢文涛,钱建奇,李雅琦. 采用支撑杆件提高钢箱梁正交异形板疲劳性能研究. 建筑结构学报.2021,42(11):97-104

14.  linjie tian,ming yang, shan chang, jianqi qian. effects of a new method on stress amplitude and fatigue life of orthotropic steel box girder. ksce journal of civil engineering.2020,24(6):1858-1867

15.  tian lin-jie,li zhe,yang ming,chang sahn,qian jian-qi. lateral torsional buckling strength of steel i-beams within preflexed beams in pre-bending stage. advanced steel construction.2020,16(1):47-54

16.  shan chang, ming yang, linjie tian, pengfei yuan. bending behavior of steel octagon-web beam. advances in structural engineering.2020,23(12):2694-2708

17.  田林杰,鞠秀颖,李喆, 常山,杨明. 基于修正rayleigh-ritz法的工字钢梁预弯阶段侧向失稳分析(lateral-torsional buckling analysis of steel i-beams in pre-bending stage based on modified rayleigh-ritz method). 东南大学学报(自然科学版).2019,49(4):679-687

18.  shan chang, ming yang, zhang chen, linjie tian, xuzhao lu. bending behavior of steel ring-web beam. journal of constructional steel research.2019,162(11):105742

19.  shan chang, ming yang, yun sun, kui liu. calculation method of early-age crack width in reinforced concrete bridge through a nonlinear fea model. ksce journal of civil engineering.2019,23(7):3088-3096

20.  yang ming,wan li-juan,jin xiao-qi. synthesis of zngano solid solution–carbon nitride intercalation compound composite for improved visible light photocatalytic activity. j. cent. south univ.2017,24(2):276-283

21.  yang ming, jin xiao-qi. improvement of visible light-induced photocatalytic performance by cr-doped srtio3-carbon nitride intercalation compound (cnic) composite. j. cent. south univ.2016,23(2):310-316

22.  yang ming, jin xiao-qi. synthesis of bivo4–g-c3n4 composite photocatalyst with improved visible light-induced photocatalytic activity. journal of wuhan university of technology-mater. sci. ed.2015,30(2):217-222

23.  yang ming, jin xiao-qi. visible light-induced cr-doped srtio3-g-c3n4 composite for improved photocatalytic performance. journal of wuhan university of technology-mater. sci. ed.2014,29(6):1111-1116

24.  yang ming, jin xiao-qi. facile synthesis of zn2geo4 nanorods toward improved photocatalytic reduction of co2 into renewable hydrocarbon fuel. j. cent. south univ.2014,21(7):2838-2842

25.  ming yang, qiao huang, xiaoqi jin. zngano solid solution–c3n4 composite for improved visible light photocatalytic performence. materials science and engineering b.2012,177(8):600-605

26.  ming yang, qiao huang, xiaoqi jin. microwave synthesis of porous zngano solid solution for improved visible light photocatalytic performance. solid state sciences.2012,14(4):465-470

27.  杨明,黄侨,马文刚,黄志伟. 波纹钢腹板体外预应力箱梁混凝土块式转向装置力学性能研究. 工程力学.2012,29(2):185-191

28.  ming yang, qiao huang, xiaoqi jin. facile synthesis of the assembled hexagonal vaterite plates and the application as red phosphor doped with eu3 ions. colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects.2011,386(1-3):87-91

29.  ming yang, shuang gao, qiao huang. facile synthesis of nanocrystalline cr2o3 thin film. journal of wuhan university of technology (materials science).2011,26(6):1032-1035

30.  ming yang, xiaoqi jin, qiao huang. facile synthesis of vaterite core-shell microspheres. colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects.2011,374(1-3):102-107

31.  ming yang, xiaoqi jin, qiao huang. electrochemical glucose oxidation on dendritic cuprous oxide film fabricated by pss-assisted electrochemical deposition. solid state sciences.2011,13(2):427-433

32.  杨明,黄侨,叶见曙,张树仁. 波纹钢腹板体外预应力箱梁桥钢制块式转向装置力学性能研究. 东南大学学报自然科学版.2011,41(1):174-180

33.  yang ming, feng jianqing, huang qiao. influence of mechanical milling on photocatalytic activity of g-c3n4 prepared by heating melamine. journal of wuhan university of technology (materials science).2010,25(6):914-918

34.  杨明,黄侨,荣学亮. 混凝土肋式转向装置力学性能研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报.2011,43(10):119-123

35.  ming yang, qiao huang. a nonlinear fea method for preflex beam. international symposium on maintenance new technologies for long-span bridges.南京,2010():39-44

36.  杨明,黄侨,陈晓强. 双套拱斜拉桥拱塔竖转提升测控技术研究. 桥梁建设.2010,(4):32-36

37.  黄侨,杨明. 预弯组合梁桥收缩、徐变特性的理论研究. 桥梁.2006,(1):-

38.  黄侨,杨大伟,杨明. 预应力混凝土桥梁的全寿命分析理念研究. 中国公路学会桥梁和结构工程分会2004年全国桥梁学术会议.昆明,2004():922-925

39.  张树仁,杨明. 高强混凝土和中高强钢筋在桥梁结构中的应用. 公路交通科技应用技术版.2005,(2):124-125

40.  黄侨,杨明. 变截面预弯组合简支梁桥挠度计算方法研究. 北京交通大学学报.2006,30(增刊)(130):252-257

41.  杨明,黄侨. 预弯组合梁收缩、徐变计算方法解析. 公路交通科技应用技术版.2005,(8):119-121

42.  黄侨,杨明. 预弯梁收缩、徐变计算方法解析. 公路交通科技应用技术版.2005,(7):95-99

43.  杨明,孙筠,张树仁,黄侨. 波纹钢腹板体外预应力箱梁桥的发展与展望. 公路交通科技.2006,23(12):72-75

44.  huang qiao, yang ming. a nonlinear fea method of calculation for composite beam bridge. journal of natural science of heilongjiang university.2008,25(2):149-154

45.  yang ming, huang qiao, wang de-jun. equivalent bending stiffness of simply supported preflex beam bridge with variable cross-section. journal of harbin institute of technology.2010,17(1):13-17























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