



沈永俊,博士,教授,博士研究生导师,比利时哈瑟尔特大学(hasselt university)交通运输科学学院客座教授。2004年毕业于山东大学信息与计算科学专业,获理学学士学位。2007年毕业于华东理工大学控制理论与控制工程专业,获工学硕士学位。2012年毕业于比利时哈瑟尔特大学交通运输科学专业,获交通运输科学博士学位。之后留校在交通运输研究所开展博士后研究。2014年起担任交通运输科学学院助理教授。2017年回国到东南大学交通学院工作。



担任《human-centric intelligent systems》国际学术期刊编委、《交通安全与环境(英文)》期刊梯队编委、transportation research part d等多个国际学术期刊客座编委。在多个国际学术会议如国际flins大会、 国际智能系统与知识工程大会(iske)、世界交通运输大会(wtc)、cota国际交通科技年会(cictp)等担任学术委员会委员、领域编辑、分会场主席等职务。为30多种国际知名学术期刊担任审稿人。作为编委编辑出版学术专刊4部(sci检索)、会议论文集1部(ei/istp检索)。







dr. yongjun shen is a professor of the school of transportation at southeast university in china, and a guest professor of the school of transportation sciences at hasselt university in belgium. he received his ph.d in transportation sciences from transportation research institute (imob) of hasselt university in 2012, and continued to work in hasselt university as a postdoc researcher and later an assistant professor. from october 2017, he started to work at the school of transportation of southeast university.


dr. shen’s current research interests includetraffic safety, traffic behavior and psychology, smart transportation, transportation sustainability, etc. during the past years, dr. shen has participated in a number of eu, flemish, and chinese research projects, and has published over 100 articles in scientific peer-reviewed journals, books, and conferences, such as transportation research part c, accident analysis & prevention, etc. he has served as an editorial board member of the journal entitled human-centric intelligent systems, a guest editor of several international journals, such as transportation research part d, and as an international program committee member of several international conference series, such as flins, iske, and wtc.


any interested applicants with a degree in transportation engineering or relevant areas are encouraged to apply for the international phd/master program in southeast university at nanjing, china. if you have any queries, please contact dr. shen for more information.




  • 教育部人文社科研究基金项目,博弈情景下驾驶人交互心理与行为协同演化机理研究——以城市快速路交织区为例,2021-2024,主持

  • 南京市留学人员科技创新择优资助a类重点项目,基于移动终端的危险驾驶行为智能分析与主动干预研究,2020-2022,主持

  • 东南大学基本科研业务费资助项目,东南大学基本科研业务费资助项目,2019-2019,主持

  • 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作“重点专项,多源信息环境下道路交通事故应急处理关键技术与设备,2019-2021,子任务主持

  • 比利时哈瑟尔特大学特别研究基金(uhasselt-bof)项目,towards a better understanding of the cross-cultural differences in risky driving behavior2018-2018,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于基准化分析方法的驾驶行为风险指数模型研究,2018-2020,主持

  • 东南大学基本科研业务费资助项目,驾驶人危险驾驶行为模糊辨识与动态评价研究,2018-2018,主持

  • 比利时弗莱芒区科学基金(fwo)项目,strategic analysis of road safety in china2015-2015,主持

  • 比利时弗莱芒区技术创新基金(iwt-kmo)项目,digital driving pass: a multidimensional measurement system of driving performance2014-2015,合作主持

  • 比利时弗莱芒区技术创新基金(iwt)项目,flemish research project: urban logistics and mobility2014-2016,项目骨干

  • 比利时哈瑟尔特大学特别研究基金(uhasselt-bof)项目,benchmarking road safety performance in china and europe2014-2014,主持

  • 比利时哈瑟尔特大学特别研究基金(uhasselt-bof)项目,a methodologic framework for multicriteria decision-making in the field of traffic safety2012-2016,合作主持

  • 欧盟第七个框架规划(eu fp7)项目,dacota: road safety data collection, transfer and analysis2010-2012,项目骨干

  • 比利时哈瑟尔特大学特别研究基金(uhasselt-bof)项目,measuring road safety impacts of traffic policy measures using travel demand models2008-2012,项目骨干


  • babaee, s., toloo, m., hermans, e., shen. y., a new approach for index construction: the case of the road user behaviour index, computers & industrial engineering, 2021, vol. 152, 106993. (sci/ei)

  • 沈永俊,谭旭,tom brijs,结合功能测试与模拟驾驶的老年人驾驶适性评估,东南大学学报(自然科学版)2021511):171-177。(ei

  • shen, y., hermans, e., bao, q., brijs, t., wets, g., towards better road safety management: lessons learned from inter-national benchmarking, accident analysis & prevention, 2020, vol. 138, 105484. (ssci/ei)

  • shen, y., bao, q., hermans, e., applying an alternative approach for assessing sustainable road transport: a benchmarking analysis on eu countries, sustainability. 2020, vol. 12, no. 24, 10391, pp. 1-16. (ssci/sci)

  • shen, y., zahoor, o., tan, x., usama, m., brijs, t., assessing fitness-to-drive among older drivers: a comparative analysis of potential alternatives to on-road driving test, international journal of environmental research and public health, 2020, vol. 17, no. 23, 8886, pp. 1-18. (ssci/sci)

  • rizvi, s.m.a., ahmed, a., shen, y., real-time incident detection and capacity estimation using loop detector data, journal of advanced transportation, 2020, vol. 2020, 8857502. (sci/ei)

  • usama, m., zahoor, o., shen, y., bao, q. dockless bike-sharing system: solving the problem of faulty bikes with simultaneous rebalancing operation, journal of transport and land use, 2020, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 491-515. (ssci)

  • usama, m., shen, y., zahoor, o. towards an energy efficient solution for bike-sharing rebalancing problems: a battery electric vehicle scenario, energies, 2019, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 1-21. (sci/ei)

  • shah, s.a.r., ahmad, n., shen, y., kamal, m.a., basheer, m.a., brijs, t.relationship between road traffic features and accidents: an application of two-stage decision making approach for transportation engineers, journal of safety research, 2019, vol. 69, pp. 201-215. (ssci/ei)

  • wang, w., wets, g., shen, y.electromobility for green transportation systems and sustainable environment. transportation research part d: transport and environment, 2019, vol. 66, pp. 1-2. (ssci/sci/ei)

  • shen, y. developing a comprehensive road safety index: a revisit of the sunflowernext study, transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board. 2018, vol. 2672, no. 38, pp. 46-57. (ssci/sci/ei)

  • shah, s.a.r., ahmad, n., shen, y., pirdavani, a., basheer, m.a., brijs, t. road safety risk assessment: an analysis of transport policy and management for low-, middle-, and high-income asian countries. sustainability, 2018, vol. 10, 1-30. (ssci/sci)

  • bao, q., kochan, b., shen, y., creemers, l., bellemans, t., janssens, d., wets, g. applying feathers for travel demand analysis: model considerations. applied sciences, 2018, vol. 8, 886, pp. 1-12. (sci)

  • behnood, h.r., ayati, e., brijs, t., neghab, m.p., shen, y. a fuzzy decision support system in road safety planning. proceedings of the institution of civil engineers-transport, 2017, vol. 170, no. 5, pp. 305-317. (sci/ei)

  • shah, s.a.r., brijs, t., ahmad, n., pirdavani, a., shen, y., basheer, m.a. road safety risk evaluation using gis-based data envelopment analysis-artificial neural networks approach. applied sciences, 2017, vol. 7, no. 9, 886, pp. 1-19. (sci)

  • bao, q., kochan, b., shen, y., bellemans, t., janssens, d., wets, g. activity-based travel demand modeling framework feathers: sensitivity analysis with decision trees. transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board, 2016, no. 2564, pp. 89-99. (ssci/sci/ei)

  • li, t., ruan, d., shen, y., hermans, e., wets, g. a new weighing approach based on rough sets theory and granular computing for road safety indicator analysis. computational intelligence, 2016, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 517-534.(sci/ei)

  • shen, y., hermans, e., bao, q., brijs, t., wets, g., wang, w. international benchmarking of road safety: state of the art. transportation research part c: emerging technologies, 2015, vol. 50, pp. 37-50. (ssci/sci/ei)

  • shen, y., hermans, e., bao, q., brijs, t., wets, g. serious injuries: an additional indicator to fatalities for road safety benchmarking. traffic injury prevention, 2015, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 246-253. (ssci/sci)

  • bastos, j.t., shen, y., hermans, e., brijs, t., wets, g., ferraz, a.c.p. traffic fatality indicators in brazil: state diagnosis based on data envelopment analysis research. accident analysis & prevention, 2015, vol. 81, pp. 61-73. (ssci/ei)

  • bastos, j.t., shen, y., hermans, e., brijs, t., wets, g., ferraz, a.c.p. bootstrapping dea scores for road safety strategic analysis in brazil. international journal of computational intelligence systems, 2015, vol. 8, pp. 29-38. (sci/ei)

  • wang, w., wets, g., bubb, h., shen, y. discrete dynamics in transportation system 2014. discrete dynamics in nature and society. 2015, vol. 2015, pp. 1-3.(ssci)

  • bao, q., shen, y., creemers, l., kochan, b., bellemans, t., janssens, d. wets, g. investigating the minimum size of study area for an activity-based travel demand forecasting model. mathematical problems in engineering, 2015, vol. 2015, article id 162632, pp. 1-9. (sci/ei)

  • bao, q., kochan, b., bellemans, t., shen, y., creemers, l., janssens, d., wets, g. travel demand forecasting using activity-based modeling framework feathers: an extension. international journal of intelligent systems, 2015, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 948-962. (sci/ei)

  • babaee, s., shen, y., hermans, e., wets, g., brijs, t. ariën, c. combining driving performance information in an index score: a simulated curvetaking experiment. transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board, 2014, no. 2434, pp. 44-51. (ssci/sci/ei)

  • shen, y., hermans, e., bao, q., brijs, t., wets, g. road safety development in europe: a decade of changes (2001-2010). accident analysis & prevention, 2013, vol. 60, pp. 85-94. (ssci/ei)

  • shen, y., hermans, e., brijs, t., wets, g. data envelopment analysis for composite indicators: a multiple layer model. social indicators research, 2013, vol. 114, no. 2, pp. 739-756. (ssci)

  • shen, y., hermans, e., brijs, t., wets, g., vanhoof, k. road safety risk evaluation and target setting using data envelopment analysis and its extensions. accident analysis & prevention, 2012, vol. 48, pp. 430-441.(ssci/ei)

  • bao, q., ruan, d., shen y., hermans, e., janssens, d. improved hierarchical fuzzy topsis for road safety performance evaluation. knowledge-based systems, 2012, vol. 32, pp. 84-90. (sci/ei)

  • shen, y., hermans, e., ruan, d., wets, g., brijs, t., vanhoof, k. a generalized multiple layer data envelopment analysis model for hierarchical structure assessment: a case study in road safety performance evaluation. expert systems with applications, 2011, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 15262-15272. (ssci/sci/ei)

  • shen, y., ruan, d., hermans, e., brijs, t., wets, g., vanhoof, k. (2011). sustainable road transport in the european union: changes in undesirable impacts. transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board, 2011, no. 2242, pp. 37-44. (ssci/sci/ei)

  • shen, y., ruan, d., hermans, e., brijs, t., wets, g., vanhoof, k. modeling qualitative data in data envelopment analysis for composite indicators. international journal of systems assurance engineering and management, 2011, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 21-30. (ei)

  • shen, y., li, t., hermans, e., ruan, d., wets, g., vanhoof, k., brijs, t. a hybrid system of neural networks and rough sets for road safety performance indicators. soft computing, 2010, vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 1255-1263. (sci/ei)

  • shen, y., hermans, e., ruan, d., wets, g., brijs, t., vanhoof, k. evaluating trauma management performance in europe: a multiple-layer data envelopment analysis model. transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board, 2010, vol. 2, no. 2148, pp. 69-75. (ssci/sci/ei)



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