



程建川,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,东南大学交通学院道路与铁道工程系教师。19661月出生于四川成都,祖籍江苏镇江, 19819月至19857月在南京工学院(现东南大学)土木工程系道路工程专业学习,获得工学学士学位并留校任教至今,1994年和2002年分别在职攻读获得工学硕士和工学博士学位。19958~11月,赴德国汉堡ib&t公司学习道路cad系统。20106~20194月任交通学院副院长。


教学与研究生培养 :



  1. 基于可靠度的道路线形参数选用及安全性,国家自然科学基金项目(批准号51478115),2015.1-2018.12,主持;

  2. 基于安全的公路最小直线长度研究,国家自然科学基金项目(批准号51078088),2011.1-2013.12,主持,已完成;


3、宁杭高速公路k49-k53路段现状及调整优化后道路安全性评价研究,江苏宁杭高速公路有限公司, 2009.7-2010.8,主持







10基于安全的高等级公路设计方法研究, 安徽省交通厅,2006.7-2008.6,主持,已鉴定;






  1. yang ma, yubing zheng, jianchuan cheng and said easa. analysis of dynamic available passing sight distance near right-turn horizontal curves during overtaking using lidar data [j]. canadian journal of civil engineering, 2019.                            (sci)

  2. yubing zheng, yang ma, and jianchuan cheng. effects of personality traits and socio-cognitive determinants on risky riding behaviors among chinese e-bikers [j]. traffic injury prevention, 2019.                      (sci/ssci)

  3. yang ma, yubing zheng, jianchuan cheng, yunlong zhang and wenquan han. a convolutional neural network method to improve efficiency and visualization in modeling driver’s visual field on roads using mls data [j]. transportation research part c: emerging technologies, 2019, 106:317-344.                           (sci)

  4. yang ma, yubing zheng, jianchuan cheng and yunlong zhang. hybrid model for realisitic and efficient estimation highway sight distance using airborne lidar data [j]. journal of computing in civil engineering, 2019, 33(6): 04019039.                           (sci)                                        

  5. yang ma, yubing zheng, jianchuan cheng, said easa. real-time visualization method for estimating highway 3d sight distance [j]. journal of transportation engineering, part a: systems, 2019, 145(4): 04019006.                                             (sci)                                        

  6. yubing zheng, yang ma, lixin guo, jianchuan cheng, yunlong zhang. crash involvement and risky riding behaviors among delivery riders in china: the role of working conditions [j]. transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board, 2019.   (sci)

  7. heng huang, jiahao wang, mingyu hou, xu tang, jianchuan cheng. analysis of wind as a   contributing factor in bus accidents in rolling terrian [c]. proceedings of 19th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2019), nanjing, china. july, 2019.                                                                     (ei)

  8. mengru zhang, xu tang, lixin guo, nan li, jianchuan cheng. comparison on main parameters of highway geometric design between china and foreign countries [c]. proceedings of 19th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2019), nanjing, china. july, 2019.                                              (ei)

  9. wenbing jing, guifa hao, cong li, wenbing wei, jianchuan cheng. bim application approach on highway maintenance and management [c]. proceedings of 19th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2019), nanjing, china. july, 2019.                                                                     (ei)

  10. zongxin tang, si-kai chen, jianchuan cheng, seyed ali ghahari, samuel labi. highway design and safety consequences: a case study of interstate highway vertical grades [j]. journal of advanced transportation, 2018, doi: 10.1155/2018/1492614.              (sci)

  11. yubing zheng, yang ma, lixin guo, jianchuan cheng, yunlong zhang. prediction of chinese drivers' intentions to park illegally in emergency lanes: an application of the theory of planned behavior [j]. traffic injury prevention, 2018, 19(6): 629-636.           (sci/ssci)

  12. yang ma, yubing zheng, jianchuan cheng, yunlong zhang. an innovative hybrid model for intelligent analysis of highway sight distance using lidar data [c]. proceedings of the 99th trb annual meeting, trb, washington d.c, usa. 2018.

  13. hao zhou, jiahao wang, heng huang, mingyu hou, jianchuan cheng. comparative study of the operating characteristics between cars and trucks on freeway loops: an empirical study based on drone videos [c]. proceedings of the 98th trb annual meeting, trb, washington d.c, usa. 2018.

  14. lixin guo, wenbing jing, yubing zheng, yang ma, mengru zhang, jianchuan cheng. study on the evaluation index of service quality for village roads: a case study of villages in china [c]. proceedings of the 98th trb annual meeting, trb, washington d.c, usa. 2018.

  15. lixin guo, wenbing jing, yubing zheng, jianchuan cheng. adapting the propensity for angry driving scale for application in china [c].proceedings of 18th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2018), beijing, china. july, 2018.doi:10.1061/9780784481523.212                                          (ei)

  16. 唐宗鑫,杨迪,陈思凯,程建川.基于可靠度的高速公路加速车道长度[j]. 东南大学学报(自然科学版)2018, 48 (5): 961-966.                                            (ei)

  17. lu wang, jianchuan cheng, yunlong zhang. reliability-based specification on critical length of highway sections with near-maximum grade [j]. ksce journal of civil engineering, 2017, 22(2): 1-12.                                                               (sci)

  18. hao zhou, lu wang, jianchuan cheng, yang ma. numerical study of bernoulli effect on bus controllability and driving safety. transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board 2637 (2017): 74-82.                              (sci)

  19. hao zhou, qunhui wang, wenbing jing, lixin guo, jianchuan cheng. development of the database for domestic system interchanges, the 17th cota conference of transportation professionals. shanghai, china. july, 2017.                                       (ei)

  20. yang ma, yubing zheng, zhaojun zhang, jianchuan cheng. theoretical evaluation model of effects of traffic safety improvement measures for rural highways, the 17th cota conference of transportation professionals. shanghai, china. july, 2017.               (ei)

  21. haozhou, yangma, lu wang, zongxin tang, jian-chuancheng.a numerical study of the bernoulli effect on bus controllability and driving safety [c]. proceedings of the 96th trb annual meeting,trb, washington d.c,usa. 2017.

  22. yubing zheng, hui wang, qidong liu, jianchuan cheng. analysis of inappropriate road crossing behaviors of pedestrians and non-motor vehicles: case studies in nanjing[c] proceedings of 16th cota international conference of transportation professionals (american society of civil engineers 2016 1765-1776). shanghai, china. july, 2016.               (ei)                  

  23. 马羊,周昊,李渴,程建川. 考虑三维曲面特点的中央分隔带防眩高度计算[j]. 交通信息与安全, 2016(6):60-69.                                                   (cscd)

  24. 程建川,孔繁星,李方. 场地自行车赛道设计与优化[m]. 东南大学出版社2015.

  25. haozhou, yangma, jian-chuancheng. the minimum highway horizontal radius considering the bernoulli effect on running vehicles [c].proceedings of 16th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2016) (american society of civil engineers (2016) 1740-1751). shanghai, china. july, 2016. (ei)

  26. yubing zheng, hui wang, qidong liu, jianchuan cheng. analysis of inappropriate road crossing behaviors of pedestrians and non-motor vehicles: case studies in nanjing[c] proceedings of 16th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2016) (american society of civil engineers (2016) 1765-1776). shanghai, china. july, 2016            (ei)

  27. hongbo wang, jian-chuan cheng, lu wang. theoretical and simulation-based analysis of diverging diamond interchanges in china [c].proceedings of 15th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2015) (american society of civil engineers (2015) 2454-2466). beijing, china. july, 2015. (ei)                                               

  28. zhaojun zhang,jian-chuancheng. safety margin-based analysis on road superelevation rate selection [c].proceedings of 15th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2015) (american society of civil engineers (2015) 2386-2396). beijing, china. july, 2015. (ei)

  29. lu wang,jian-chuancheng, jie chen. safety-based improvement measures and simulation for the long and near-maximum slope of expressways in flat and rolling terrains of china [c].proceedings of 14th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2014) (american society of civil engineers (2014) 1759-1774). p1759-1774. changsha, china. july, 2014.                                                (ei)

  30. said m. easa, jianchuan cheng. reliability analysis of minimum pedestrian green interval for traffic signals[j].journal of transportation engineering. 2013, 139(7), 651–659.

doi: 10.1061/(asce)te.1943-5436.0000549                                   (sci)

  1. 马羊周昊李渴程建川. 考虑三维曲面特点的中央分隔带防眩高度计算[j]. 交通信息与安全, 2016(6):60-69.                                                (cstpcd)

  2. 杨晨,程建川,基于可靠度的道路不设缓和曲线最小半径的计算[j]. 公路交通科技201330(7):7-1                                                              (cscd)

  3. 学报编辑部(程建川等参与). 中国道路工程学术研究综述·2013[j]. 中国公路学报201326(3):1-36

  4. jian-chuancheng, long-jian jiang. accuracy comparison of roadway earthwork computation between 3d and 2d methods [c].proceedings of 13th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2013)(procedia - social and behavioral sciences 96 ( 2013 ) 1277 – 1285). p1277-1285. shenzhen, china. august, 2013.

doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.08.145                                             (ei)                                             

  1. 张荣洁,程建川,凌九忠. 公路最小直线长度计算[j]. 公路交通科技201229(3):39-44                          


  1. jian-chuancheng, jin-jun shi. highway horizontal geometric parameters calculation from image processing [c].proceedings of the 11th international conference of chinese transportation professionals. p2451-2461. nanjing, china. august, 2011.

asce conf. proc. doi:10.1061/41186(421)246                                   (ei)

  1. jianchuan cheng, hao yuan, guifang shi, xiaoming huang. revision of calculation of stopping sight distance[j].baltic journal of road and bridge engineering. 2011, 6(2):96-101. doi:10.3846/bjrbe.2011.13                                                  (sci)

  2. cheng jian-chuan, du xiao-yu, shi jin-jun, etc.. optimization of superelevation runoff model for cycling track[j].journal of central south university of technology.2011, 18(2):587-592.

doi:10.1007/s11771-011-0735-1                                         (sciei)

  1. jianchuan cheng, junan shen, feipeng xiao. moisture susceptibility of warm mix asphalt mixtures containing nano-sized hydrated lime [j].journal of materials in civil engineering. 2011,23(11):1552-1599.

doi:10.1061/(asce)mt.1943-5533.0000308                              (sciei)

  1. qian guochao, zhao min, zhang jiankang, chen jingya, cheng jianchuan.context sensitive design for nanjing-changzhou expressway[c].  proceedings of the 88th trb annual meeting,trb, washington d.c,usa. 2009.

  2. cheng jianchuan, wang zhijiang, etc..design and traffic organization for ultra-wide urban street in china[c].  proceedings of the 3rd urban street symposium,trb, seattle,usa. 2007.

  3. cheng jianchuan, shi guifang, yang shunxin state of the art technology of the highway alignment design in china[c]. proceedings of the 24th annual southern african transport conference, p 872-881, pretoria, south africa. 2005                               (ei)

  4. cheng jianchuan.3-dimensional calculation of roadway earthwork volume[j]. journal of southeast university, 2005, 21(1):88-91.                                         (ei)

  5. cheng jianchuan, wang wei.review of roadway geometric design in china (country report) [c]. proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on highway geometric design,trb, chicago,usa. 2005.

  6. 程建川,吕庆礼. 道路土方量三维计算方法[j]. 交通运输工程学报2004,4(2):19-23 (ei)

  7. 程建川,韩样,叶丹. 车辆模拟行驶中视线跟踪技术的实现[j]. 交通运输工程学报2003,3(2):113-116


  1. 程建川、陈飞等,强化实践和新技术应用的课程设计教学改革[j]高等建筑教育2013(22), suppl

  2. 程建川、陈飞等,“道路勘测设计”课程设计改革及野外实习基地建设[j],东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2015 (6)

  3. 程建川、邱文教等,野外实践教学中安全保障体系的探索与构建——以国内交通土建类课程实践为例,中国大学教学2016 (9):81-86.

  4. 于斌、刘洪波、程建川等,《道路勘测设计》野外实习教学内容及能力培养优化[j],高等建筑教育,2016(25)suppl.:28-30.

  5. 刘洪波、卞凤兰、程建川等,高校共享共建校(野)外实习基地的实践与思考[j]高等建筑教育201827(5): 137-142.

  6. cheng jianchuan, chen jun, et al. field programs to accomplish the learning objectives for engineering courses: a case study of road surveying and design course at southeast university, china [c].  proceedings of the 126th asee annual conference and exposition, asee, tampa, fl., usa. june 2019.


  1.  “field programs to accomplish the learning objectives for engineering courses: a case study of road surveying and design course at southeast university, china”, presented at the 126thasee annual conference and exposition,tampa, fl. usa. june 2019.

  2.   “3d highway geometric design and safety analysis”, presented at the 3rd china-europe workshop on functional pavement,aachen,germany. august 2014.

  3. trb/aashto joint geometric design meeting, irvine, ca. usa. july 2011

  4. "safety improvement measures for freeway with long and nearly-maximum slope at flat terrain", presented at the 1st china-europe workshop on functional pavement, nanjing, china, september 2010.

  5. "research on the minimum tangent length of roadway", presented at the 4th international symposium on highway geometric design,trb, valencia, spain. june 2010.

  6.  “《城镇道路工程技术标准(送审稿)》研讨讲座”,2008-2009间在部分省会、直辖市,计10多次。

  7. "context sensitive design for nanjing-changzhou expressway", presented atthe 88th annual meeting of the transportation research board, washington, dc, january 2009.

  8. "design and traffic organization for ultra-wide urban street in china", presented at the 3rd urban street symposium,trb, seattle,usa. july 2007.

  9. "state of the art technology of the highway alignment design in china", presented at the 24th annual southern african transport conference, pretoria, south africa. july 2005.

  10. "review of roadway geometric design in china (country report) ", presented at the 3rd international symposium on highway geometric design,trb, chicago,usa. july 2005.

















curriculum vitae of dr. cheng, jianchuan

dr. jianchuan cheng

professor, school of transportation

southeast universityseu

2 southeast university road, nanjing, 211189p.r.china

tel: 86 25 83790385

e-mail: jccheng@seu.edu.cn


2002ph.d.     southeast university (transportation)

1994     m.eng.    southeast university (transportation)

1985     b.sc.     nanjing institute of technology (civil engineering)

major research interests:

road safety and geometric design

computer aided highway design and optimization

intelligent transportation systems

courses taught

undergraduate courses:

 “engineering surveying, before 1994;

 “road surveying and design and affiliated course design including 2-week field work and 1-week indoor design project

courses for graduate students:

 “modern road design-principles and practices;

 “road safety design and evaluation

lifetime supervision of highly qualified personnel (hqp)

hqp type


in progress








board member, road engineering committee of china highway engineering society, 2004-2010

board member, computer application committee of china highway engineering society, 2004-2010

member, china association of geographic information system (cagis), 1994-present

friend and paper reviewer, transportation research board geometric design committee (afb10), 2007-present

friend and paper reviewer, transportation research board committee on operational effects of geometrics (ahb65), 2007-present

projects of research and teaching

  1.  “research of reliability-based road geometric design and its safety evaluation”, sponsored by the natural science foundation of china (approved no. 51478115), 2015.1-2018.12

  2.  “safety-based research on the highway minimum tangent lengths”, sponsored by the natural science foundation of china (approved no. 51078088), 2011.1-2013.12

  3.  “out-of-campus practical teaching bases’ construction for transportation engineering, sponsored by the jiangsu department of education, 2009.7-2011.12

  4.  “road safety audit for the k49-k53 section of nanjing-hangzhou expresswayin existing situations and after safety improvement design, sponsored by the jiangsu nanjing-hangzhou expresswayco. ltd., 2009.7-2010.8

  5.  “research on human-oriented and environment-friendly early stage design for highway construction projects, sponsored by the zhejiang department of transportation, 2007.10-2010.8

  6.  “integrated remote data collection and alarm system for sparse highway network,the national 863 projects,  sponsored by the ministry of science and technology of china, 2009.7-2010.12

  7.  “application research of interactive highway safety design model(ihsdm), sponsored by the jiangsu science and technology department, 2008.7-2009.12

  8.  “research of highway alignment and safety design based on drivers characteristics,jiangsu natural science foundation project, sponsored by the jiangsu science and technology department, 2008.7-2010.12

  9.  “research on standardization of electronic files for highway surveying and design, sponsored by the jiangsu department of transportation, 2007.7-2009.12

  10.  “research on innovative technology and design for nanjing-changzhou expressway, sponsored by the jiangsu department of transportation, 2006.1-2008.12

  11.  “research on safety-based high-grade highway design, sponsored by the anhui department of transportation, 2006-2008

  12.  “research and development of gis-based nanjing municipal road management system, sponsored by the nanjing municipal engineering administration,2003-2005

  13.  “research on typical grade-two highways pavements and cross sections for henan province, sponsored by the henan department of transportation, 2002-2004,

software development and application:

-the developer of theadvance highway computer aided design(ahcad) system, an early integrated highway surveying and design software with advanced digital terrain model(dtm) technique.the software has been applied by over 30 customers, and contributed to the development of highway computer aided design.

selected publications:

  1. yang ma, yubing zheng, jianchuan cheng and said easa. analysis of dynamic available passing sight distance near right-turn horizontal curves during overtaking using lidar data [j]. canadian journal of civil engineering, 2019.                            (sci)

  2. yubing zheng, yang ma, and jianchuan cheng. effects of personality traits and socio-cognitive determinants on risky riding behaviors among chinese e-bikers [j]. traffic injury prevention, 2019.                      (sci/ssci)

  3. yang ma, yubing zheng, jianchuan cheng, yunlong zhang and wenquan han. a convolutional neural network method to improve efficiency and visualization in modeling driver’s visual field on roads using mls data [j]. transportation research part c: emerging technologies, 2019, 106:317-344.                           (sci)

  4. yang ma, yubing zheng, jianchuan cheng and yunlong zhang. hybrid model for realisitic and efficient estimation highway sight distance using airborne lidar data [j]. journal of computing in civil engineering, 2019, 33(6): 04019039.                          (sci)

  5. yang ma, yubing zheng, jianchuan cheng, said easa. real-time visualization method for estimating highway 3d sight distance [j]. journal of transportation engineering, part a: systems, 2019, 145(4): 04019006.                                            (sci)

  6. yubing zheng, yang ma, lixin guo, jianchuan cheng, yunlong zhang. crash involvement and risky riding behaviors among delivery riders in china: the role of working conditions [j]. transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board, 2019.   (sci)

  7. heng huang, jiahao wang, mingyu hou, xu tang, jianchuan cheng. analysis of wind as a   contributing factor in bus accidents in rolling terrian [c]. proceedings of 19th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2019), nanjing, china. july, 2019.                                                                     (ei)

  8. mengru zhang, xu tang, lixin guo, nan li, jianchuan cheng. comparison on main parameters of highway geometric design between china and foreign countries [c]. proceedings of 19th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2019), nanjing, china. july, 2019.                                              (ei)

  9. wenbing jing, guifa hao, cong li, wenbing wei, jianchuan cheng. bim application approach on highway maintenance and management [c]. proceedings of 19th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2019), nanjing, china. july, 2019.                                                                    (ei)

  10. zongxin tang, si-kai chen, jianchuan cheng, seyed ali ghahari, samuel labi. highway design and safety consequences: a case study of interstate highway vertical grades [j]. journal of advanced transportation, 2018, doi: 10.1155/2018/1492614.              (sci)

  11. yubing zheng, yang ma, lixin guo, jianchuan cheng, yunlong zhang. prediction of chinese drivers' intentions to park illegally in emergency lanes: an application of the theory of planned behavior [j]. traffic injury prevention, 2018, 19(6): 629-636.           (sci/ssci)

  12. yang ma, yubing zheng, jianchuan cheng, yunlong zhang. an innovative hybrid model for intelligent analysis of highway sight distance using lidar data [c]. proceedings of the 99th trb annual meeting, trb, washington d.c, usa. 2018.

  13. hao zhou, jiahao wang, heng huang, mingyu hou, jianchuan cheng. comparative study of the operating characteristics between cars and trucks on freeway loops: an empirical study based on drone videos [c]. proceedings of the 98th trb annual meeting, trb, washington d.c, usa. 2018.

  14. lixin guo, wenbing jing, yubing zheng, yang ma, mengru zhang, jianchuan cheng. study on the evaluation index of service quality for village roads: a case study of villages in china [c]. proceedings of the 98th trb annual meeting, trb, washington d.c, usa. 2018.

  15. lixin guo, wenbing jing, yubing zheng, jianchuan cheng. adapting the propensity for angry driving scale for application in china [c].proceedings of 18th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2018), beijing, china. july, 2018.doi:10.1061/9780784481523.212                                          (ei)

  16. zongxin tang, di yang, sikai chen, jianchuan cheng. reliability-based acceleration lanes lengths on expressways. journal of southeast university (natural science edition), 2018, 48(5): 961-966. (in chinese)                                                       (ei)

  17. lu wang,jianchuan cheng, yun-long zhang. reliability-based specification on critical length of highway sections with near-maximum grade [j]. ksce journal of civil engineering. 10.1007/s12205-017-0832-2.                                                (sci)

  18. zhou, hao, lu wang, jianchuan cheng, yang ma. numerical study of bernoulli effect on bus controllability and driving safety [j]. transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board 2637 (2017): 74-82.                              (sci)

  19. hao zhou, hongbo wang, wenbing jing, lixin guo, jianchuan cheng. development of the database for domestic system interchanges [c]. proceedings of the 17th cota conference of transportation professionals. shanghai, china. july, 2017.                         (ei)

  20. yang ma, yubing zheng, zhaojun zhang, jianchuan cheng. theoretical evaluation model of effects of traffic safety improvement measures for rural highways [c]. proceedings of the 17th cota conference of transportation professionals. shanghai, china. july, 2017.    (ei)

  21. yubing zheng, hui wang, qidong liu, jianchuan cheng. analysis of inappropriate road crossing behaviors of pedestrians and non-motor vehicles: case studies in nanjing [c] proceedings of the 16th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2016) (american society of civil engineers (2016) 1765-1776). shanghai, china. july, 2016.(ei)


  1. hongbo wang, jianchuan cheng, lu wang. theoretical and simulation-based analysis of diverging diamond interchanges in china [c].proceedings of the 15th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2015) (american society of civil engineers (2015) 2454-2466). beijing, china. july, 2015. (ei)                                               

  2. zhaojun zhang,jianchuan cheng. safety margin-based analysis on road superelevation rate selection [c].proceedings of the 15th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2015) (american society of civil engineers (2015) 2386-2396). beijing, china. july, 2015. (ei)

  3. lu wang,jianchuan cheng, jie chen. safety-based improvement measures and simulation for the long and near-maximum slope of expressways in flat and rolling terrains of china [c].proceedings of 14th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2014) (american society of civil engineers (2014) 1759-1774). p1759-1774. changsha, china. july, 2014.                                                (ei)

  4. said m. easa, jianchuan cheng. reliability analysis of minimum pedestrian green interval for traffic signals[j].journal of transportation engineering. 2013, 139(7), 651–659.

doi: 10.1061/(asce)te.1943-5436.0000549                                   (sci)

  1. chen yangjianchuan cheng.calculation of minimum circular radius of road without transition curve based on reliability [j]. journal of highway and transportation research and development201330(7):7-1 (in chinese)                                (cscd)                                                              

  2. editorial department(with jianchuan cheng, etc. involved) an academic research summary on china road engineering:2013[j]. china journal of highway and transport201326(3):1-36  (in chinese)

  3. jianchuan cheng, long-jian jiang. accuracy comparison of roadway earthwork computation between 3d and 2d methods [c].proceedings of 13th cota international conference of transportation professionals (cictp 2013)(procedia - social and behavioral sciences 96 ( 2013 ) 1277 – 1285). p1277-1285. shenzhen, china. august, 2013.

doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.08.145                                             (ei)                                             

  1. rongjie zhangjianchuan chengjiuzhong ling. calculation of highway minimum tangent length [j]. journal of highway and transportation research and development201229(3):39-44  (in chinese)                                                 (cscd)

  2. jianchuancheng, jinjun shi. highway horizontal geometric parameters calculation from image processing [c].proceedings of the 11th international conference of chinese transportation professionals. pp. 2451-2461. nanjing, china. august, 2011.

asce conf. proc. doi:10.1061/41186(421)246                                   (ei)

  1. jianchuan cheng, hao yuan, guifang shi, xiaoming huang. revision of calculation of stopping sight distance [j].baltic journal of road and bridge engineering. 2011, 6(2):96-101. doi:10.3846/bjrbe.2011.13                                              (sciei)

  2. jianchuan cheng, xiaoyu du, jinjun shi, etc.. optimization of superelevation runoff model for cycling track [j].journal of central south university of technology.2011, 18(2):587-592.

doi:10.1007/s11771-011-0735-1                                         (sciei)

  1. jianchuan cheng, junan shen, feipeng xiao. moisture susceptibility of warm mix asphalt mixtures containing nano-sized hydrated lime [j].journal of materials in civil engineering. 2011,23(11):1552-1599.

doi:10.1061/(asce)mt.1943-5533.0000308                              (sciei)

  1. guochao qian, min zhao, jiankang zhang, jingya chen, jianchuan cheng.context sensitive design for nanjing-changzhou expressway[c]. proceedings of the 88th trb annual meeting,trb, washington d.c,usa. 2009.

  2. jianchuan cheng, zhijiang wang, etc.design and traffic organization for ultra-wide urban street in china[c]. proceedings of the 3rd urban street symposium,trb, seattle,usa. 2007.

  3. jianchuan cheng, guifang shi, shunxin yang. state of the art technology of the highway alignment design in china [c]. proceedings of the 24th annual southern african transport conference, p 872-881, pretoria, south africa. 2005                               (ei)

  4. jianchuan cheng.3-dimensional calculation of roadway earthwork volume [j]. journal of southeast university, 2005, 21(1):88-91.                                         (ei)

  5. jianchuan cheng, wei wang.review of roadway geometric design in china (country report) [c]. proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on highway geometric design,trb, chicago,usa. 2005.

  6. jianchuan cheng, yang han, dan ye. technique realization for trailing sight line in simulated vehicle driving [j].journal of traffic and transportation engineering, 2003,3(2):113-116. (in chinese)

selected paper on teaching

  1. jianchuan cheng, jun chen, et al. field programs to accomplish the learning objectives for engineering courses: a case study of road surveying and design course at southeast university, china [c].  proceedings of the 126th asee annual conference and exposition, asee, tampa, fl., usa. june 2019.

  2. hongbo liu, fenglan bian, fei chen, ke li, jianchuan cheng. practice and considerations in the sharing and co-construction of field (outdoor) practice base among universities [j]. higher construction education, 201827(5): 137-142. (in chinese)

  3. bin yu, hongbo liu, jianchuan cheng, et al. optimization of the course design and cultivation of abilities for the filed practice teaching of road surveying and engineering [j]. higher construction education, 2016, 25 (suppl.): 28-30.

  4. jianchuan cheng, wenjiao qiu, et al. exploration and construction of the safety guarantee system in field practice teaching programs—taking the transportation and civil engineering practice courses in china as an example [j]. china university teaching, 2016 (9):81-86. (in chinese)

  5. jianchuan cheng, fei chen, et al. reformation of the course design of “road surveying and engineering” and construction of the field practice base [j]. journal of southeast university (philosophy and social science), 2015, 17 (suppl.): 174-176. (in chinese)

  6. jianchuan cheng, fei chen. teaching reformation of the course design with reinforced practice and application of new technology [j]. higher construction education, 2013, 22 (suppl.). (in chinese)

selected presentations

  1.  “field programs to accomplish the learning objectives for engineering courses: a case study of road surveying and design course at southeast university, china”, presented at the 126thasee annual conference and exposition,tampa, fl. usa. june 2019.

  2.  “3d highway geometric design and safety analysis”, presented at the 3rd china-europe workshop on functional pavement,aachen,germany. august 2014.

  3. trb/aashto joint geometric design meeting, irvine, ca. usa. july 2011.

  4.  “safety improvement measures for freeway with long and nearly-maximum slope at flat terrain”, presented at the 1st china-europe workshop on functional pavement, nanjing, china, september 2010.

  5.  “research on the minimum tangent length of roadway”, presented at the 4th international symposium on highway geometric design,trb, valencia, spain. june 2010.

  6.  “lectures on technical standards on urban road(draft)presented at over 10 provincial capital and major cities in china for around 15 times during 2008-2009.

  7.  “context sensitive design for nanjing-changzhou expressway”, presented atthe 88th annual meeting of the transportation research board, washington, dc, january 2009.

  8.  “design and traffic organization for ultra-wide urban street in china”, presented at the 3rd urban street symposium,trb, seattle,usa. july 2007.

  9.  “state of the art technology of the highway alignment design in china”, presented at the 24th annual southern african transport conference, pretoria, south africa. july 2005.

  10.  “review of roadway geometric design in china (country report)”, presented at the 3rd international symposium on highway geometric design,trb, chicago,usa. july 2005.

awards and honours:

grade-two teaching achievement award of southeast university, 2016

outstanding teaching award of southeast university, the baosteel excellent teacher award,                                        2014  

grade-two national teaching achievement award,           2014

grade-one teaching achievement award of jiangsu province,  2013

grade-one teaching achievement award of jiangsu province,  2011

grade-threescience and technology advancement award of jiangsu province,  2010

grade-threescience and technology advancement award of henan province,  2005

grade-one award for excellent teaching of southeast university,  2003

updated in october 2019



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