•顾兴宇 教授/博导 副院长 中组部第八批援藏干部
•交通学院道路与铁道工程系403南京市江宁区东南大学路2号 211189
• email: guxingyu1976@163.com
• 1993.09~1997.06东南大学交通学院道路与铁道工程专业 获学士学位
• 1997.09~2002.04东南大学交通学院道路与铁道工程专业 获博士学位
• 2002.04~东南大学交通学院道路与铁道工程专业 讲师/副教授/教授
• 2010.04~2011.04弗吉尼亚理工大学访问学者
•江苏省交通厅重点专项课题“高速公路沥青路面结构力学响应监测及足尺试验研究 ”,2016-2019.
•国家自然科学基金项目 “玄武岩纤维筋连续配筋水泥混凝土路面开裂和冲断机理与控制指标研究”,2012-2014.
•南京市科技项目“海绵城市道路低影响开发理论与应用技术研究 ”,2014-2016.
• gu xingyu, yu bin*, dong qiao. application of secondary steel slag in subgrade: performance evaluation and enhancement. journal of cleaner production. 2018, 181: 102-108.
• gu xingyu, zhang xiaoyuan*,lv junxiu. establishment and verification of prediction models of creep instability points of asphalt mixtures at high temperatures. construction and building materials. 2018, 171: 303-311.
• wang xiaowei, gu xingyu*,ni fujian. rutting resistance of porous asphalt mixture under coupled conditions of high temperature and rainfall. construction and building materials. 2018, 174: 293-301.
• wang xiaowei, gu xingyu*, jiang jiwang.experimental analysis of skeleton strength of porous asphalt mixtures. construction and building materials.2018, 171: 13-21.
• wang xiaowei, gu xingyu*, dong, qiao. evaluation of permanent deformation of multilayer porous asphalt courses using an advanced multiply-repeated load test. construction and building materials.2018 ,160: 19-29.
• zhang xiaoyuan, gu xingyu*,lv junxiu, mechanism and behavior of fiber-reinforced asphalt mastic at high temperature. international journal of pavement engineering. 2018,19( 5): 407-415.
• zhou zhou, gu xingyu*, nifujian,cracking resistance characterization of asphalt concrete containing reclaimed asphalt pavement at intermediate temperatures. transportation research record, 2017, 2633:46-57.
• gu xingyu,yu bin*,wu ming,experimental study of the bond performance and mechanical response of gfrp reinforced concrete,construction and building materials,2016,114:407~415.
• gu xingyu,dai yiqing*,jiang jiwang,test and evaluation for bonding property between gfrp and concrete,journal of testing and evaluation,2016,44(2):878~884.
• zhou zhou,gu xingyu*,liqiang,use of rejuvenator, styrene-butadiene rubber latex, and warm-mix asphalt technology to achieve conventional mixture performance with 50% reclaimed asphalt pavement,transportation research record,2016,2575:160~167.
• gu xingyu,dong qiao*,yuan qingquan,development of an innovative uniaxial compression test to evaluate permanent deformation of asphalt mixtures,journal of materials in civil engineering,2015,27(1):100~106.
• gu, xingyu *,wang linbing,chengsheng,ni fujian,dynamic response of pavement under fwd using spectral element method,ksce journal of civil engineering,2014,18(4):1047~1052.
• gu xingyu*,xu tingting,ni fujian,rheological behavior of basalt fiber reinforced asphalt mastic,journal of wuhan university of technology-materials science edition,2014,29(5):950~955
• gu, xingyu,dong qiao*,laboratory test and numerical simulation of bond performance between basalt fiber reinforced polymer rebar and concrete,journal of testing and evaluation,2012,40(7):1148-1155.