









1995.9-1999.7东南大学交通学院交通土建专业 获学士学位

1999.9-2002.6东南大学交通学院交通信息工程及控制专业 获硕士学位

2002.9-2006.7美国肯塔基大学土木与环境工程系交通工程专业 获博士学位


2015.4至今 东南大学智能运输系统研究中心教授、博士生导师





  • 智能运输系统理论与方法

  • 交通运营管理与控制

  • 交通流理论

  • 交通安全

  • 交通大数据分析与建模


  • 物联交互与数据驱动下的多方式交通实时响应控制技术,国家重点研发计划项目“城市多模式交通系统协同控制关键技术与系统集成”课题(2018yfb1601003),2019.3-2021.12,主持

  • 基于深度学习的大规模城市路网车流动态od在线快速估计及分析,国家自然科学基金(71871055),2019.1-2022.12,主持

  • 基于无人机在线视觉技术的大型活动交通管控平台联合研发与产业化,江苏省国际科技合作项目(bz2018006),2018.12-2021.12,参与

  • 复杂环境下城市道路全景交通流感知和智能评价系统的联合研发,江苏省国际科技合作项目(bz2018001),2018.12-2020.12,参与

  • 基于物联大数据的城市智慧交通管控关键技术及应用集成示范,江苏省重点研发计划(be2017027),2017.6-2020.6,主持

  • 面向道路交通安全设计的交通冲突链现象解析研究,国家自然科学基金(51608114),2017.1-2019.12,参与


  1. , jingxin xia*, yuqing wang, chen wang, zhenbo lu. a data-driven approach to determining freeway incident impact areas with fuzzy and graph theory-based clustering. computed-aided civil and infrastructure engineering, early access, 2019.

  2. jishun ou, jiawei lu, jingxin xia*, chengchuan an, zhenbo lu. learn, assign, and search: real-time estimation of dynamic origin-destination flows using machine learning algorithms. ieee access, vol. 7, pp. 26967-26983, 2019.

  3. wenming rao, jingxin xia*, weitao lyu, zhenbo lu. an interval data-based k-means clustering method for traffic state identification at urban intersections. iet intelligent transport systems, vol. 13, issue 7, pp. 1106-1115, 2019.

  4. rongrong hong, chengchuan an, zhenbo lu*, jingxin xia, qinghui nie. characterizing critical transition state for network fundamental diagram. journal of advanced transportation, vol.2018, pp. 1-13, 2018.

  5. wenming rao, yao-jan wu, jingxin xia*, jishun ou, robert kluger. origin-destination pattern estimation based on trajectory reconstruction using automatic license plate recognition data. transportation research part c: emerging technologies, vol. 95, pp. 29-46, 2018.

  6. an, chengchuan, yao-jan wu, jingxin xia*, wei huang. real-time queue length estimation using event-based advance detector data. journal of intelligent transportation systems, vol. 22, issue 4, pp. 277-290, 2018.

  7.  chen wang, chengcheng xu*, jingxin xia, zhendong qian. the effects of safety psychological factors on self-reported risky driving behaviors including group violations for e-bike riders in china. transportation research part f: traffic psychology and behavior. vol. 56, pp. 344-353, 2018.

  8. jishun ou, shu yang, yao-jan wu, chengchuan an, jingxin xia*. systematic clustering method to identify and characterize spatiotemporal congestion on freeway corridors. iet intelligent transport systems, vol. 12, issue 8, pp. 826-837, 2018.

  9.  chen wang, chengcheng xu, jingxin xia, zhendong qian, linjun lu. a combined use of microscopic traffic simulation and extreme value methods for traffic safety evaluation. , vol. 90, pp. 281-291, 2018.

  10. an, chengchuan, yao-jan wu, jingxin xia*, zhenbo lu. investigating impacts of communication loss on signal performance using event-based data. transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board, vol. 2645, pp. 38-49, 2017.

  11. yang, shu, chengchuan an, yao-jan wu, jingxin xia*. origin-destination based travel time reliability. transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board, vol. 2643, pp. 139–159, 2017.

  12.  yang, shu, chengchuan an, yao-jan wu, jingxin xia*. taxicab availability: empirical study of kunshan, china. transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board, vol. 2650, pp. 41-57, 2017.

  13. ou, jishun, jingxin xia*, yao-jan wu, wenming rao. short-term traffic flow forecasting for urban roads using data-driven feature selection strategy and bias-corrected random forests. transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board, vol. 2645, pp. 157-167, 2017.

  14. wang, chen; xu, chengcheng*; xia, jinxin; qian, zhendong. modeling faults among e-bike-related fatal crashes in china. traffiv injury prevention, vol. 18, issue 2, pp. 175-181, 2017.



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