






canadian geotechnical engineering》编委/《岩土工程学报》常务编委。


  • 19973月  日本佐贺大学工学博士 (岩土工程)

  • 19866月  河海大学工学硕士 (岩土工程)

  • 19837月  河海大学工学学士 (农田水利工程)

  • 20027~现在:东南大学交通学院岩土工程研究所任教授、博士生导师。








2)国家重点研发计划项目:《滨海城市重大基础设施灾变机理、风险评估与监测预警原理与方法》课题3:滨海交通软土工程累积变形与灾变推演及控制技术(no. 2016yfc0800203),2016-2020. 课题参与人


4)国家自然科学基金:盐分浸析作用下天然沉积还想黏土劣化性状与定量评价(no. 41372309),2014-2017. 项目负责人

5)江苏省水利科技重点项目:泰州引江河二期工程快速泥水分离技术与应用研究,2013-2014. 项目负责人

6)国家自然科学基金面上项目:考虑应力水平影响的天然沉积结构性软粘土灵敏度评价体系(no. 41172240),2012-2015. 项目负责人

7)国家自然科学基金面上项目:天然沉积粘性土结构性压缩模型研究(no.50878050),2009-2011. 项目负责人

8)江苏省南水北调工程科技创新项目:疏浚淤泥堆场处理技术现场试验 — 关键技术及测试分析研究(no. kjcx-201003),2009-2010. 项目负责人

9)国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划):大面积吹填淤泥w-s-s工法(no.2007aa11z135),2007-2010. 项目负责人

10)国家自然科学基金面上项目:天然沉积粘性土的结构性定量评价体系(no.50578036),2006-2008. 项目负责人

11)江苏省南水北调工程科技创新项目:高地震烈度区泵站地基抗液化和防渗措施研究;(no. kjcx-200602);2006-2008. 项目负责人

12)江苏省政府第二批“六大人才高峰”基金:现代城市建设对古建筑的影响与保护对策研究,2005-2006. 项目负责人


  1.  wang, h., zeng, l.l., bian, x. & hong, z.s. (2018). evaluation of vertical superimposed stress in subsoil induced by embankment loads.international journal of geomechanics, asce (in press).

  2. zeng, l.l., hong, z.s. & han, j. (2018). experimental investigations on discrepancy in consolidation degrees with deformation and pore pressure variations of natural clays. applied clay science, 152, 38-43.

  3. zeng l.l., hong, z.s., tian, w.b. and shi, j.w. (2018). settling behavior of clay suspensions produced by dredging activities in china. marine georesources & geotechnology, 36(1): 30-36.

  4. zeng, l.l., hong, z.s., cui, y.j. and martin, l. (2018). compression reference of soil structure evaluation with reconstituted clays at different initial water contents. marine georesources & geotechnology, 10.1080/1064119x.2017.1387949.

  5. ding, j.w., shi m.l., liu w.z. and hong, z.s. (2017). in-situ stabilization of problematic mixtures in a failed roadway subbase. journal of performance of constructed facilities, asce, 31(3): 04017002~1-7.

  6. song m.m, zeng l.l, hong z.s. (2017). pore fluid salinity effects on physicochemical-compressive behaviour of reconstituted marine clays. applied clay science, 146: 270-277.

  7. zeng, l. l., hong, z. s., gao,y. f. (2017). one-dimensional compression behaviour of reconstituted clays with and without humic acid. applied clay science, 144: 45–53.

  8. zeng, l. l., hong, z. s., gao,y. f. (2017). practical estimation of compression behaviour of dredged clays with three physical parameters. engineering geology, 217: 102-109.

  9.  zeng l. l., hong, z. s., wang, c. and yang, z. z. (2016). experimental study on physical properties of clays with organic matter soluble and insoluble in water. applied clay science, 132-133: 660-667.

  10. bian, x., hong, z.s., ding, j.w. (2016). evaluating the effect of soil structure on the ground response during shield tunnelling in shanghai soft clay. tunnelling and underground space technology, 58: 120-132.

  11. horpibulsuk, s., liu, martin d., zhuang z.l., and hong, z.s. (2016). complete compression curves of reconstituted clays. international journal of geomechanics, asce, 16 (6): 06016005-1-5. 10.1061/(asce)gm.1943-5622.0000663.

  12. zeng, l.l., hong, z.s. and cui, y.j. (2016). time-dependent compression behaviour of dredged clays at high water contents in china. applied clay science, 123: 320-328.

  13. zeng, l.l., hong, z. s. andcui, y. j. (2015). determining the virgin compression lines of reconstituted clays at different initial water contents. canadian geotechnical journal, 52(9): 1408-1415, dx.doi.org/10.1139/cgj-2014-0172

  14. zeng, l.l., hong, z. s. andcui, y. j. (2015). on the volumetric strain - time curve patterns of dredged clays during primary consolidation. géotechnique, 65(12): 1023-1028, dx.doi.org/10.1680/geot./15-t-003

  15.  zeng, l.l. and hong, z. s. (2015). experimental study of primary consolidation time for structured and destructured clays. applied clay science, 116-117: 141-149.dx.doi.org/

  16. hong, z. s., bian, x., cui, y. j., gao, y. f. and zeng, l.l. (2013). effect of initial water content on undrained shear behaviour of reconstituted clays. géotechnique, 63(6): 441-450.

  17. hong, z. s., zeng, l. l., cui, y. j., cai, y. q. and lin, c. (2012). compression behaviour of natural and reconstituted clays. géotechnique, 62(4): 291-301.

  18. zeng, l. l., hong, z. s., cai, y. q. and han, j. (2011). change of hydraulic conductivity during compression of undisturbed and remolded clays.applied clay science, 51(1-2): 86-93.

  19. hong, z. s., yin, j. and cui, y. j. (2010). compression behaviour of reconstituted soils at high initial water contents. géotechnique, 60(9): 691-700.

  20. chai, j. c., hong, z. s., and shen, s. l. (2010). vacuum-drain method induced pressure distribution and ground deformation, geotextiles and geomemberanes. 28, 525–535.

  21. jia, r., chai, j. c., hino t., and hong, z. s. (2010). strain rate effect on the consolidation behavior of ariake clay. geotechnical engineering, proceedings of ice, 163 (5): 267-277.

  22. han, j., chen, j. f., hong, z. s. and shen, s. l. (2010). mitigation of levee failures using deep mixed columns and geosynthetics. geomechanics and geoengineering: an international journal, 5(1): 49–55.

  23. liu, s.y., han, j., zhang, d.w. & hong, z.s. (2008). a combined djm-pvd method for soft ground improvement. geosynthetics international, 15(1): 43–54.

  24. hong, z. s., shen, s. l., deng, y. f. and negami, t (2007). loss of soil structure for natural sedimentary clays. geotechnical engineering, proceedings of ice. 160 (3): 153 - 159.

  25. shen, s. l., hong, z. s., and xu, y. s. (2007). reducing differential settlements of approach embankments. geotechnical engineering, proc. of institute of civil engineers, 160 (4): 215-226.

  26. hong, z. s. and han, j. (2007). evaluation of sample quality of sensitive clay using intrinsic compression concept. journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, asce. 133(1): 83-90

  27. hong, z. s. (2007). void ratio-suction behavior of remolded ariake clays. geotechnical testing journal, astm. 30(3): 234-239

  28. hong, z. s. (2006). correlating compression properties of sensitive clays using void index. géotechnique, 56 (8): 573–577

  29. shen, s. l., xu, y. s., and hong, z. s. (2006). estimation of land subsidence based on groundwater flow model, marine georesources and geotechnology, 24 (2): 149-167.

  30. hong, z. s., tateishi, y. and han, j. (2006). experimental study of macro and micro-behavior of natural diatomite. journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, asce. 132(5): 603-610.

  31. hong, z. s., liu, s. y., shen, s. l. and negami, t (2006). comparison in undrained shear strength between undisturbed and remolded ariake clays. journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, asce. 132 (2): 272-275.

  32. hong, z. s., liu, s. y. and negami, t. (2005). strength sensitivity of marine ariake clays. marine georesources and geotechnology, 23(3): 221-233.

  33. shen, s. l., zhu, h. h., han, j. and hong, z. s. (2005). evaluation of a dike damaged by pile driving in soft clay. journal of performance and constructed facilities, asce. 19(4): 300-307.

  34. shen, s. l., chai, j. c., hong, z. s. and cai, f. (2005). analysis of field performance of embankments on soft clay deposit with and without pvd-improvement. geotextiles and geomembranes, 23: 463–485.

  35. hong, z. s., negami, t. and guo, h. l. (2004). gravitational sedimentation behavior of sensitive marine ariake clays. marine georesources and geotechnology, 22(1-2), 49-63.

  36. satoh, t., tsuchida, t., mitsukuri, k. and hong, z. s. (2001). field placing test of lightweight treated soil under seawater in kumamoto port. soils and foundations, 41(5):145-154.

  37. hong, z. s. and tsuchida, t. (1999). on compression characteristics of ariake clays. canadian geotechnical journal, 36(5): 807 - 814.

  38. hong, z. s. and onitsuka, k. (1998). a method of correcting yield stress and compression index of ariake clays for sample disturbance. soils and foundations, 38(2): 211 - 222.

  39. onitsuka, k., hong, z. s., hara, y. and yoshitake, s. (1995). interpretation of oedometer test data for natural soils. soils and foundations, 35(3): 61 - 70.

  40. onitsuka, k. and hong, z. s. (1995). a new method of correcting unconfined compressive strength of natural clays for sample disturbance. soils and foundations, 35(2): 95 -105.





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