l 减振隔振,隧道与地下工程
l 微生物岩土
l 土的基本特性
1996.9~1999.5 河海大学,获得岩土工程博士学位。
1987.9~1990.5 中国科学技术大学,获得固体地球物理学硕士学位。
1980.9~1984.7 长春地质学院,获得应用地球物理学学士学位。
1. 2022年-2025年,主持国家自然科学基金课题“拟声子晶体高分子混凝土低频减振机理与调控研究”(no.52173248)
2. 2019年-2022年,参加了国家重大专项项目专题“道路基础设施全生命周期运行保障技术“(2018yfb1600304)的研究工作。
3. 2016年—2019年,主持国家自然科学基金课题“地铁列车振动荷载作用下管片累积损伤机理与修复技术研究”(no.51578147)
4. 2013年—2016年,主持国家自然科学基金课题“地铁移动荷载作用下软土的软化机理与长期沉降预测技术研究”(no.51278099)
5. 2009年—2012年主持“无锡轨道交通隧道盾构施工对周边环境影响”研究工作。
6. 2009年—2012年,主持“盾构隧道衬砌结构的合理设计荷载与模型研究”研究工作。
7. 2009年~2011年, 主持“城市地下工程建设引起地面沉降与灾变预警技术研究”,江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才项目。
8. 2009年~2011年, 主持国家自然科学基金课题“复杂条件下非饱和膨胀土气水运移渗透变形机理与稳定性研究”(no. 50878051)。
9. 2008年—2011年,主持“高速公路路堤拓宽稳定性控制技术研究”工作。
11.2004年~2007年,主持国家自然科学基金课题“软土地区城市工程建设引起的地面沉降与灾害评价”(no. 50478072)。
12.2003年~2006年,主持国家自然科学基金课题“非饱和膨胀土的结构特征与结构强度研究”(no. 40374047)。
² 专著:
² 技术标准:
1. 主编:公路工程eps颗粒混合轻质材料路堤技术规程,db32/t 3217-2017
2. 主编:公路工程控制模量桩复合地基技术规程,db32/t 3218-2017
² 期刊论文:
1. miao*, lc.(缪林昌), li, c., lei,lj. et al. a new periodic structure composite material with quasi-phononic crystals, 2020, physics letters a, 384,.
2. l. c. miao*(缪林昌), l. y. wu, x. h. sun et al. method for solidifying desert sands with enzyme-catalysed mineralization. , 2020,vol.31, no.11: 1317–1324; doi: 10.1002/ldr.3499.
3. linchang miao*(缪林昌), linyu wu & xiaohao sun. enzyme‑catalysed mineralisation experiment study to solidify desert sands, scientific reports | (2020) 10:10611,
4. li, c., miao*, lc.(缪林昌), you, q., et al. effects of material parameters on the band gaps of two-dimensional three-component phononic crystals. 2019, applied physics a, .
5. linchang miao(缪林昌), yu-jun cui, and ying cui. hydro-mechanical behaviors of unsaturated soils. accepted by journal of materials in civil engineering, 2015, no. 7. doi: 10.1061/(asce)mt.1943-5533.0001171.
6. linchang miao(缪林昌), fei wang, jie han., and weihua lv. benefits of geosynthetic reinforcement in widening of embankments subjected to foundation differential settlement. accepted by geosynthetics international, 2014, vol.21, no.5, 321-332.
7. linchang miao(缪林昌), fei wang, jie han, pe., weihua lv, and jing li. properties and applications of cement-treated sand-expanded polystyrene bead lightweight fill. asce journal of materials in civil engineering, 2013, vol. 25, no. 1, pp86-93. doi:10.1061/(asce) mt.1943-5533.0000556.
8. linchang miao(缪林昌), fei wang, ying cui and shuibin shi. hydraulic characteristics, strength of cyclic wetting - drying and constitutive model of expansive soils. 4th international conference on problematic soils, 21-23 september 2012 wuhan, china, pp19 (only abstract), 303-322 (full paper). keynote paper.
9. miao lc(缪林昌),, zhang, y.j. wang, f. prediction of land subsidence using a proposed consolidation-seepage-creep coupling model. geofrontiers 2011, march 13-16, geo-institute asce, dallas, texas, usa, vol. 3, pp1631-1640.
10. linchang miao(缪林昌), fei wang and xinhui wang, one dimensional consolidation of double-layered foundation with multi-level load. marine georesources and geotechnology,2010, vol. 28, no.1, pp1-24.
11. linchang miao (缪林昌),yajun zhang1, fei wang1, and chengxiang zhang. experimental study on controlled modulus column methods. advances in ground improvement, proceedings of us-china workshop on ground improvement technologies. 2009, pp112-119.
12. linchang miao(缪林昌), xinhui wang and edward kavazanjian, jr. consolidation of a double-layered compressible foundation partially penetrated by deep mixed columns. journal of getechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, 2008, vol. 134,1210-1214.
13. linchang miao, junhui zhang, sandra houston and fei wang. time-dependent deformation behavior of jiangsu marine clay. marine georesources and geotechnology, 2008,,no. 2, pp86-100.
14. 缪林昌,王非,吕伟华. 城市地铁隧道施工引起的地面沉降研究,东南大学学报, 2008, no.2,pp293-297.
15. linchang miao(缪林昌) et. al. relationship of soil structure and mechanical behavior of an expansive unsaturated clay. canadian geotechnical journal, 2007, vol.44,no.2, 126-137.
16. linchang miao(缪林昌) and edward kavazanjian, jr. secondary compression features of jiangsu soft marine clay. marine georesources and geotechnology, 2007, vol. 25, no. 2, p129-144.
17. 缪林昌,严明良,崔 颖. 重塑膨胀土的电阻率特性测试研究, 岩土工程学报, 2007, vol. 29, no. 9,p1413-1417.
18. linchang miao(缪林昌) et. al. application of dynamic compaction in highway: a case study, geotechnical engineering and geological engineering, 2006, vol. 24, no. 1, p91-99.
19. 缪林昌,经绯江苏海相灵敏性软土特征研究. 岩土力学,2006, no.8.
20. 缪林昌等非饱和重塑膨胀土的强度试验研究,《岩土工程学报》,2006(26),no. 2, p.274-276.
21. linchang miao(缪林昌) et. al. sasw method for evaluating ground condition. proceeding of12th asian regional conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, 2003,8,singapore,921-924。
22. linchang miao(缪林昌) etal. research of soil-water characteristics and shear strength features of nanyang expansive soil, engineering geology, 2002(65), no.4,p261-267.
23. linchang miao(缪林昌) etal. empirical function representing the shear strength of unsaturated soils, geotechnical testing journal, 2001,vol.30, no.2, 120-124.
24. 缪林昌等,非饱和土的剪切强度. 岩土力学,1999,20(3),1-6.
25. 缪林昌等,膨胀土的强度与含水量的关系. 岩土力学,1999,20(2),71-75.