



朱志铎 博士 教授 博士生导师 交通学院地下工程系教师






l  特殊土地基处理

l  废弃物利用与环境岩土工程

l  土的基本特性与土的固化技术

l  地下工程

l  边坡工程与路基工程



2017.2, 亚利桑那大学,土木工程与工程力学系,高级访问学者

2012.82013.8, 亚利桑那大学,土木工程与工程力学系,访问学者

2002.9–2006.6, 东南大学岩土工程, 博士

1999.9–2001.6, 东南大学岩土工程, 硕士

1982.9–1986.6, 南京大学水文地质工程地质, 学士



2009.5~至今   东南大学, 教授

2001.6~2009.5  东南大学, 副教授

1990.3~2001.5  南京交通高等专科学校,讲师

1986.7~1990.2  南京交通高等专科学校, 助教


1.   高等级公路液化地基处理与桥梁地基抗震技术研究  江苏交通科技项目  1997~1999

2.   连徐高速公路地基处理测试分析研究  江苏省高速公路建设指挥部  1999~2000

3.   连徐高速公路施工动态测试分析研究  江苏省高速公路建设指挥部  1999~2002

4.   徐宿高速公路地基处理测试分析研究  江苏省高速公路建设指挥部  2000~2001

5.   京福高速公路徐州东绕城地基处理测试分析研究  江苏省高速公路建设指挥部  2000~2001

6.   宿淮高速公路地基处理测试分析研究  宿迁市高速公路建设指挥部  2001~2002

7.   煤矸石在高速公路工程中的应用研究 江苏交通科技项目  1999~2002

8.   高速公路下伏多层、富水采空区变形稳定性评价与处理技术  江苏交通科技项目  2000~2002

9.强震区地基液化永久大变形对桥梁基础的影响与对策研究  江苏交通科技项目  2003~2004  

10.高性能固化剂稳定粉质土技术研究  南通市科技项目  2004~2005

11.城市地下空间开发利用的环境效应预测与对策研究  教育部重点科技项目(no.01089)  2001~2003

12.江苏省高速公路路基设计施工技术规范的研究  江苏交通科技项目2004-2006

13.沪苏浙高速公路江苏段hsz6-11合同段沉降动态观测分析研究  苏州市高速公路建设指挥部  2005~2008

14.沪苏浙高速公路江苏段特殊土路基施工图设计咨询  江苏省高速公路建设指挥部  2005~2006

15.钉形与双向水泥土搅拌桩加固软土地基试验研究  江苏交通科技项目  2005~2007

16.大直径(钉型)双向水泥土搅拌桩加固软土地基试验研究  浙江交通科技项目  2006~2009

17.低路基毛细水影响机理与处治对策研究  江苏交通科技项目  2007~2009

18.江苏省高速公路软基处理技术集成研究  江苏交通科技项目  2007~2009

19.氯化钙改良过湿土路用性能研究  江苏交通科技项目  2007~2009

20.204国道改造工程(常熟段)沉降动态观测分析  常熟市204国道改造工程建设指挥部  2008~2009

21.钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩在a15公路桥头地基加固中的应用  上海市第一市政工程有限公司  2008~2009

22.粉土的固化机理及固化粉土工程性质研究  国家自然科学基金项目(项目批准号:408721732009~2011

23.钉形搅拌桩复合地基承载特性与变形理论研究  国家自然科学基金项目(项目批准号:50879011),2009~2011

24.碳化搅拌桩加固软软地基的理论与方法研究  国家自然科学基金项目(项目批准号:51279032, 2013/01~2016/12

25.沪苏浙高速公路江苏段hsz6-11合同段营运期沉降动态观测分析研究  苏州市高速公路建设指挥部  2008~2009

26.软土现代原位测试技术与软土处理新技术研究  住房和城乡建设部科学技术项目计划(项目编号:2009-k3-4

27.新型固化剂处理临海高等级公路路基及底基层的应用研究  江苏交通科技项目  2010~2013

28.长江三角洲地区高速公路动干线影响的地面沉降研究  中国地质调查局(水[2011]01-37-06,子项目) 2011~2013

31.十二五国家科技支撑计划 :城市地下空间开发应用技术集成与示范  2012~2014,新一代软土原位测试技术与软土处理新技术(专题一)  “软土地下空间开发工程安全与环境控制关键技术2012baj01b02

32. 国家重点基础研究发展计划 (973 计划):高水压越江海长大盾构隧道工程安全的基础研究, 高压多相--平衡理论及控制(2015cb057803 2015-2019

33.滨海复杂条件下高等级公路建设关键技术研究与应用  江苏交通科技项目  2014~2015

34.水泥土搅拌桩智能化施工控制系统应用研究  中建三局第一建设工程有限责任公司科技开发项目  2017~2018

35.微承压水土层盾构始发近距离穿越重大风险源关键技术研究 2018~2020


37.南京市交通科技项目  绿色低碳地聚物废弃混凝土完全再生利用技术研究  2019~2021

38.南京市交通科技项目  基于功能要求的再生混凝土优化设计研究2019~2021

40.快凝早强型双液固化搅拌桩关键技术研究与应用  江苏省交通工程建设局科技项目, 2021~2022

41.长深高速公路连云港至淮安段扩建工程软土地基老路抬高与拼宽路基纵横向差异沉降协同控制技术研究  江苏省交通工程建设局科技项目, 2021~2024



²  技术标准:

1.   国家级工法(一级):《钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩施工工法》(gjyjgf003-2010


3.中国工程建设标准化协会标准:《双向变截面搅拌桩技术规程》(t/cecs 8222021


²  期刊论文(部分):

1.   朱志铎,刘松玉等,稳定粉土的力学性质试验研究[j],公路交通科技,2005,no.6:34-37

2.   朱志铎,刘松玉等,粉土及其稳定土的三轴试验研究[j],岩土力学,2005, vol.26, no.12: 1967-1971

3.   wu c, zhu z, lin d, et al. studies on water plugging with grouting technique in surrounding rocks with fissures of deep mining[c]// geo-shanghai. 2014:117-125.

4.   陈武,朱志铎,李磊,页岩改良粘土衬垫防渗性的试验研究,水利学报,2015vol.46,supp.1:220-223

5.   吴昌胜,朱志铎,沪苏浙高速公路软基处理评价,岩土工程学报,2015vol.37,supp.1:105-109

6.   wchen,z.d.zhu.characteristics of retaining cod from leachate by using crushed shales and clay mixes as landfill liners,geo-chicago 2016,gsp,page:349-358.

7.   changsheng wu , zhiduo zhu, studies on water plugging with grouting technique in surrounding rocks with fissures of deep mining, rock mechanics and its applications in civil, mining, and petroleum engineering gsp 237© asce 2014,117-125

8.   changsheng wu, and zhiduo zhu, statistical analysis of ground loss ratio duo to large-diameter shield tunnel construction in china, 9 th asian rock mechanics symposium, 18-20 october 2016, bali, indonesia

9.   吴昌胜,朱志铎,软土地层盾尾注浆压力引起地面隆起分析,隧道建设,2017vol.37no.9,1114-1119

10.吴昌胜,朱志铎,考虑沉积环境影响的软土地基工程性质对比研究, 东北大学学报(自然科学版)2017, vol.38no.3,424-429

11.changsheng wu and zhiduo zhu, analytical method for evaluating the ground surface settlement caused by tail void grouting pressure in shield tunnel construction[j]. advances in civil engineering, 2018, 10(7): 1-10. (sci: wos:000440441300001)  影响因子是0.827,收录时间2018.09

12.吴昌胜, 朱志铎. 不同直径盾构隧道地层损失率的对比研究[j]. 岩土工程学报, 2018.12, vol.40 no.12:2257-2265 (ei)

13.wu chen and zhiduo zhuutilization of fly ash to enhance ground waste concrete-based geopolymeradvances in materials science and engineeringvolume 2018, article id 4793917, 10 pageshttps://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4793917,影响因子1.372,收录时间:5 july 2018

14.宋维龙, 来弘鹏, 刘禹阳, 杨文辉, 朱志铎. 基于围岩浸水的黄土公路隧道衬砌开裂分析,中国公路学报,2018vol. 31 (5): 117-126,150.

15.zhi duo zhu, su en gu ,zhen tang,and lei songexperimental study on recycling of waste concrete based on geopolymer technologyspringer nature singapore pte ltd. 2019l. zhan et al. (eds.): iceg 2018, ese, pp. 336–343, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2221-1_33ei收录2019.02

16.weilong song, hongpeng lai, yuyang liu, wenhui yang, zhiduo zhufield and laboratory study of cracking and safety of secondary lining for an existing highway tunnel in loess groundtunnelling and underground space technology 88 (2019) 35–46 sci

17.吴昌胜, 朱志铎. 不同隧道施工方法引起地层损失率的统计分析[j]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2019.1, vol.53 no.1:19-30(ei)

18.shaoyun pu, zhiduo zhu , hairong wang, weilong song, renjie weimechanical characteristics and water stability of silt solidified by incorporating lime, lime and cement mixture, and seu-2 binderconstruction and building materials2142019111-120sci

19.shao-yun pu, zhi-duo zhu  , wei-long song, hai-rong wang, ren-jie weideformation properties of silt solidified with a new seu-2 binderconstruction and building materials2202019267-277sci

20.万瑜,朱志铎等,水泥土搅拌桩智能化施工控制研究,施工技术,2019vol.48 no.13:43-47

21.朱志铎,万瑜等,水泥土搅拌桩施工智能化控制技术,土工基础,2019vol.33 no.4:1-5

22.吴昌胜,朱志铎,宋世攻,张军,彭宇一,软土地层大直径泥水盾构掘进引起的地面变形分析,岩土工程学报,2019 vol.41supp.1:169-172

23.weilong songa, zhiduo zhua,*, yuyi pengb, yu wana, xiaoyu xua, shigong songc, yongqiang weideffect of steel slag on fresh, hardened and microstructural properties of high-calcium fly ash based geopolymers at standard curing conditionconstruction and building materials22920191169331-15sci72.yu wan,zhiduo zhu*,lei song,xiaoyu xu,jinping liu. research on intelligent control and evaluation technology for soil-cement mixing pile construction.international conference on inforatmion technology in geo-engineering icitg 2019: information technology in geo-engineering pp 615-631

24.zhiduo zhu,1 suen gu,2 zhen tang,1 and lei song1.experimental study on road base material of geopolymer recycled concrete. journal of testing and evaluation  doi: 10.1520/jte20180100  88038威尼斯 copyright by astm int'l (all rights reserved); tue oct 22 20:51:42 edt 2019

25.weilong song1; zhiduo zhu2; shaoyun pu3; yu wan4; xiaoyu xu5; shigong song6; jun zhang7; yuyi peng8multi-technical characterization and correlations between properties of standard cured alkali-activated high-calcium fa binders with ggbs as additiveconstruction and building materials2412020117996  1~15  scidoi: 10.1007/s13369-020-04406-9

26.weilong song, zhiduo zhu, shaoyun pu , yu wan a , wangwen huo ,shigong song, jun zhang, kai yao, lele huefficient use of steel slag in alkali-activated fly ash-steel slag-ground granulated blast furnace slag ternary blendsconstruction and building materials25920201198414  1~15  scihttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119814

27.shaoyunpu;zhiduo zhu*;weilongsong;yu wan;hairong wang1;xiaoyu xu.comparative studycompressibility and deformation properties of silt stabilized with lime, lime, and cement, and seu-2 binder. arabian journal for science and engineering (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-020-04406-9 (online)

28.shaoyun pu;zhiduo zhu*;lei song;weilong song;yu-yi peng.fractional-order visco-elastoplastic constitutive model for rock under cyclic loading. arabian journal of geoscience.doi: 10.1007/s12517-020-05288-9 (online)

29.weilongsong,zhiduozhuayuwanawangwenhuojunzhangkaiyaolelehuc synthesis and characterization of eco-friendly alkali-activated industrial solid waste-based two-component backfilling grouts for shield tunnellingjournal of cleaner productionvolume 266, 1 september 2020, 121974

30.shaoyun pu, zhiduo zhu and weilong song.a method for calculating the ultimate bearing capacity of uplift piles in combined soil and rock mass.european journal of environmental and civil engineering,doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/19648189.2020.1754296.


32.宋维龙, 朱志铎, 浦少云, 宋世攻, 彭宇一, 顾晓彬, 魏永强. 碱激发二元/三元复合工业废渣胶凝材料的力学性能与微观机制[j]. 材料导报, 2020, 34(22): 22070-22077.

33.wan, yu ; zhu, zhiduo ; song, lei ; xu, xiaoyu ; liu, jinpingresearch on intelligent control and evaluation technology for soil-cement mixing pile constructionspringer series in geomechanics and geoengineering2020,页码:615-631,核心刊: scopus; ei;

34.yu wan, lei song, zhiduo zhu, * and yuyi peng research on construction quality monitoring and evaluating technology of soil-cement mixing pilessoil mechanics and foundation engineering, vol. 58, no. 1, march, 2021 (russian original no. 1, january-february, 2021) udc 624.154.34

35.yu wan, zhiduo zhu, lei song, shigong song, jun zhang, xiaobin gu, xiaoyu xu. study on temporary filling material of synchronous grouting in the middle of shield, construction and building materials, 2021, 273. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121681. (sci/ei收录,jcr q1)

36.pu s.y., zhu z.d., huo w.w.. evaluation of engineering properties and environmental effect of recycled gypsum stabilized soil in geotechnical engineering: a comprehensive review. resources conservation&recycling, 2021:1-33. (sci, if=10.204, q1 top).

37.pu s.y; zhu z.d., song w.l.,wang h.r., huo w.w., zhang j.. a novel acidic phosphoric-based geopolymer binder for lead solidification/stabilization, journal of hazardous materials, 2021,415(2021) 125659: 1-17. (sci, if=10.558, q1, top).

38.pu s.y., zhu z.d., song w.l., huo w.w., zhang j.. mechanical and microscopic properties of fly ash phosphoric acid-based geopolymer: a comprehensive study. construction and building materials, 2021, 299(2021):1-23 (sciif=6.14, q1, top).

39.zhu, z.d., pu, s.y*, zhang, j.h., wan, y., song, w.l., wang, h.. water resistance and compressibility of silt solidified with lime and fly-ash mixtures. environmental earth sciences, 2021, 80(3): 1-14.(corresponding author, sci, if=2.784, q2)

40.chen zhang*, wei wang**, zhi-duo zhu***, na li****, shao-yun pu*****, yu wan******, wang-wen huo. triaxial mechanical characteristics and microscopic mechanism of graphene-modified cement stabilized expansive soil. ksce journal of civil engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12205-021-0778-2, 2021, 25. (sci收录, jcr q3)

41.zhang c., wang w., zhu z.d., li n., pu s.y., li y. mechanical behaviors and damage model of expansive soil admixed with composite materials [j]. arabian journal of geosciences, 2021, 14(15): 1439.

42.zhu z.d., gu s.e., tang z., song l. experimental study on road base material of geopolymer recycled concrete[j]. journal of testing and evaluation, 2021, 49(3):1747-1762. (sci, if=1.264, q3)

43.huo w.w., zhu z.d., chen w., zhang j., kang z.z., pu s.y., wan y. effect of synthesis parameters on the development of unconfined compressive strength of recycled waste concrete powder-based geopolymers[j]. construction and building materials, 2021, 292:123264. (sci, if=6.14, q1)

44.huo w.w., zhu z.d., zhang j., kang z.z., pu s.y., wan y. utilization of opc and fa to enhance reclaimed lime-fly ash macadam based geopolymers cured at ambient temperature [j]. construction and building materials, 2021, 303:124378. (sci, if=6.14, q1)

45.huo w.w., zhang w.c., zhu z.d., peng y.y. experimental and numerical simulation study on mechanical and engineering properties of silt roadbed under capillary water [j]. bulletin of engineering geology and the environment, 2021, 80(10):8211-8229. (sci, if=4.298, q1)

46.pu s.y., zhu z.z., zhao l.m., song w.l., wan y., huo w.w., wang h.r., yao k., hu l.l. microstructural properties and compressive strength of lime or/and cement solidified silt: a multi-scale study[j]. bulletin of engineering geology and the environment, 2020, 79:5141-5159 (sci, if= 4.298q1).

47.pu s.y., zhu z.d., song w.l., wan y., wang h.r., xu x.y. comparative study of compressibility and deformation properties of silt stabilized with lime, lime, and cement, and seu-2 binder[j]. arabian journal for science and engineering, 2020, 45(5):4125-4139. (sci, if=2.334, q3)

48.pu s.y., zhu z.d., song w.l., wan y., wang h.r., song s.g., zhang j. mechanical and microscopic properties of cement stabilized silt[j]. ksce journal of civil engineering, 2020, 24(6):2333-2344. (sci, if=1.805, q3)

49.song, weilong ; zhu, zhiduo ; pu, shaoyun ; wan, yu ; huo, wangwen ; peng, yuyipreparation and engineering properties of alkali-activated filling grouts for shield tunnel  [j] construction and building materials ; 2022; :314; (sci, if=6.141, q2)

50.huo, ww;zhu, zd;peng, yy;pu, sy;wan, y;zhang, c experimental study on capillary water rise and influencing factors in silty soil[j] arabian journal of geosciences2021,1424);(sci, if=1.827, q4)



1.  强震区地基液化永久大变形对桥梁基础的影响与对策研究  江苏省宿迁市科学技术进步奖二等奖,2005年,第五完成者

2.  高性能固化剂稳定粉质土技术研究  南通市科技进步二等奖,2007年,第三完成者

3.  钉形与双向水泥土搅拌桩加固软土地基试验研究   中国公路学会一等奖,2008年,第五完成者(证书编号b08-1-007-005

4.  搅拌桩成套创新技术开发与应用  南京市科技进步一等奖,2010年,第二完成者

5.  软土地基新型成套加固技术开发研究与工程应用   教育部科技进步一等奖,2010年,第二完成者

6.  钉形双向搅拌桩和排水粉喷桩复合地基新技术与应用  国家技术发明二等奖,2012,第二完成者

7.  大型军(民)用机场地基快速加固关键技术研究  中国人民解放军科技进步三等奖,2014,第四完成者

8.  基于工业废弃物的土壤固化剂系列研发与工程应用   教育部技术发明二等奖,年,第三完成者

9.  工程固废高效再生利用创新技术研发与工程应用  江苏省科学技术三等奖,2021年,第三完成者



地址:江苏省南京市江宁区东南大学路2号交通学院 邮编:211189

