所属团队: 环境岩土工程
王菲女,东南大学交通学院城市地下空间工程系教授,博士生导师。博士毕业于剑桥大学环境岩土工程专业,主要从事环境岩土方向的教学、研究工作。研究方向:1)污染土壤与地下水修复技术;2)尾矿等废弃物的资源化再利用;3)软土加固。2017年入选江苏省“双创博士”,2019年入选东南大学至善学者a层次,2022年入学江苏省青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师,2023年入选2023斯坦福全球前2%顶尖科学家 elsevier。主持国家自然科学基金2项,重点研发计划子课题3项,发表论文30余篇,是江苏省建设用地土壤风险评估、风险管控和修复效果评估报告评审专家,南京市重点行业企业用地土壤污染状况调查专家;现任英文期刊《water》、《international journal of environmental research and public health》客座编辑,担任以《geotechnique》、《journal of hazardous materials》、《 science of the total environment》为代表的多家国际知名期刊审稿人。
2011.09-2015.09 剑桥大学 工学院 岩土与环境工程专业 博士
2009.09-2010.11 香港科技大学 工学院 土木与环境工程专业 硕士
2005.09-2009.06 扬州大学 环境科学与工程学院 环境工程专业 学士
2022至今 教授,东南大学
2015-2022 副教授,东南大学
2018.08-2018.12 田纳西大学,访问学者
yunhui zhang, fei wang, quanzhi tian, zhengtao shen. book: low carbon stabilization and solidification of hazardous wastes. chapter: natural or engineered clays for stabilization/solidification. 2021: 31-48.
土壤污染风险管控与修复技术手册,中国环境出版集团,2021. isbn 978-7-5111-4660-1
zijun ye, fangmin yan, benyi cao, fei wang* (2024) removal of cd(ii) and cr(vi) from aqueous solution by peanut shell biochar-zero-valent iron composites: performance, effects and mechanisms. water air soil pollut., 235:472.
fangmin yan, zijun ye, benyi cao, fei wang* (2024) mechanical properties of reaction mediums in permeable reactive barriers. science of the total environment. 926: 171868.
严芳敏, 郭明帅, 王菲*. (2024) "炭铁材料修复三氯乙烯污染地下水的性能." 中国环境科学 44(2): 825-831.
meiyang jiang, ruixin chen, benyi cao, fei wang* (2023) the performance of temperature and acid-modified sludge in removing lead and cadmium. environmental science and pollution research. 30, 76072–76084.
陈睿鑫,姜美洋,王菲* (2023) 炭铁可渗透反应墙修复氯代烃及淤堵性能研究,中国环境科学. 43(9):4578-4584. (中国环境科学ei)ruixin chen, meiyang jiang, fei wang* (2023) the remediation and clogging performance of chlorinated hydrocarbons treated by biochar-iron permeable reactive barrier. china environmental science. 43(9):4578-4584.
yunhui zhang, benyi cao, hailong yin, lite meng, wei jin, fei wang*, jian xu, abir al-tabbaa. (2022) application of zeolites in permeable reactive barriers (prbs) for in-situ groundwater remediation: a critical review. chemosphere. 308(1), 136290.
fei wang, jian xu, hailong yin, yunhui zhang, et al. (2021) sustainable stabilization/solidification of the pb, zn, and cd contaminated soil by red mud-derived binders. environmental pollution. 284:117178.
fei wang, jian xu, yunhui zhang, zhengtao shen, abir al-tabba, et al. (2021) mgo-ggbs binder–stabilized/solidified pae-contaminated soil: strength and leachability in early stage. journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering. 147(8):04021059.
fei wang, hao pan, jian xu (2020) evaluation of red mud based binder for the immobilization of copper, lead and zinc, environmental pollution, 263(pt a):114416.
fei wang, wangqi xu, zhaochen xu, haoyu liu (2020) ctmab-modified bentonite–based prb in remediating cr(vi) contaminated groundwater, water air soil pollut., 231:20,2020.
fei wang, zhengtao shen, rongqin liu, yunhui zhang, jian xu, abir al-tabbaa (2020) gmcs stabilized/solidified pb/zn contaminated soil under different curing temperature: physical and microstructural properties. chemosphere. 239:124738.
fei wang, yunhui zhang, zhengtao shen, hao pan, jian xu, abir al-tabbaa (2019) gmcs stabilized/solidified pb/zn contaminated soil under different curing temperature: leachability and durability. environmental science and pollution research., 2019, 26(26):26963-26971.
m. fisonga, f. wang*, v. mutambo (2019) sustainable utilization of copper tailings and tyre-derived aggregates in highway concrete traffic barriers. construction and building materials. 216, 29-39.
f. wang, z. cai, j. xu (2020). effects of curing temperature and dosage on the performance of ggbs-mgo-cao in stabilizing/solidifying heavy metal contaminated site soil. journal of testing and evaluation. 48(5), 3515-3524.
f. wang, z. shen, a. al-tabbaa (2018) pc-based and mgo-based binder stabilised/solidified heavy metal contaminated model soil: strength and heavy metal speciation in early stage. géotechnique. 68(11), 1025-1030.
f. wang, z. shen, h. wang, (2018) the performance of cement stabilised/solidified contaminated site soils, chinese journal of geotechnical engineering. 40(3), 540-545.
f. wang, z. shen, a. al-tabbaa (2018) an evaluation of stablised/solidified contaminated model soil using pc-based and mgo-based binders under semi-dynamic leaching conditions. environmental science and pollution research. 25(16), 16050-16060.
f. wang, f. jin, a. al-tabbaa (2016) three-year performance of in-situ mass stabilized contaminated site soils using mgo-bearing binders, journal of hazardous materials. 318, 302-307.
f. wang, z. shen, f. jin (2016) strength and leaching performances of in-situ stabilized/solidified (s/s) contaminated site soils under different depth, journal of southeast university (natural science edition). 46, 105-110.
f. wang, h. wang, a. al-tabbaa (2015) time-dependent performance of soil mix technology stabilised/ solidified contaminated site soils, journal of hazardous materials. 286, 503-508.
f. wang, h. wang, f. jin, a. al-tabbaa (2015) the performance of blended conventional and novel binders in the in-situ stabilisation/solidification of a contaminated site soil, journal of hazardous materials. 285, 46-52
f. wang, h. wang, a. al-tabbaa (2014) leachability and heavy metal speciation of 17-year oldstabilised/solidified contaminated site soils, journal of hazardous materials. 278, 144–151.
王菲, & 徐汪祺. (2020). 固化/稳定化和软土加固污染土的强度和浸出特性研究. 岩土工程学报, 42(10):7.
xu, j., wang, f. *, sun, c., zhang, x., & zhang, y. (2019). gas thermal remediation of an organic contaminated site: field trial. environmental science and pollution research. 26: 6038-6047.
xu, j., zhang, x., sun, c., wan, j., he, h., & wang, f.*, et al. (2018) insights into removal of tetracycline by persulfate activation with peanut shell biochar coupled with amorphous cu-doped feooh composite in aqueous solution[j]. environmental science and pollution research, 26(3): 2820-2834.
z. shen, y. zhang,f. jin,d.s. alessi, y. zhang, f. wang*, o. mcmillan, a. al-tabbaa, (2018) comparison of nickel adsorption on biochars produced from mixed softwood and miscanthus, straw. environmental science & pollution research. 25(15):1-10.