






周小燚,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师,获浙江工业大学土木工程专业学士、同济大学桥梁与隧道工程专业硕士(导师:陈艾荣教授、阮欣教授)、法国巴黎东大土木工程博士(导师:prof. françois toutlemonde, dr franziska   schmidt)。


主要从事桥梁结构安全评估、轻量化设计等领域的研究工作,长期围绕基于多尺度理论和概率理论的结构分析与设计优化等研究方向,在考虑细宏观尺度耦合不确定性的结构可靠度分析方法、结构与材料一体化设计方法、桥梁车辆荷载效应预测等方面取得一定成果。近五年在包括computer methods in applied mechanics and   engineering composite structuresstructural and multidisciplinary optimization 等在内国际知名期刊发表学术论文50余篇,其中sci论文30余篇(包括jcr一区论文22篇),h-index13。主持或作为研究骨干参与欧盟第七框架协议玛丽居里行动计划项目、英国工程与自然科学理事会项目、“863计划课题”和“科技支撑计划课题“等10余项科研项目。研究成果应用和涉及泰州长江大桥、润扬长江大桥、法国米约大桥等重要工程。


参与领域内社会公共事务和学术兼职,包括参与组织european conference on computational   mechanicsinternational symposium on life-cycle civil engineering等国际学术会议;担任国际结构优化协会(issmo)、国际桥梁与结构协会(iabse)、国际动态称重协会(iswim)和中国公路学会等组织会员;为journal of bridge engineering, composite   structures, structural and multidisciplinary optimization等多个领域国际知名期刊和国际会议做同行评议。


2010-2013 ,法国交通及国土整治与网络研究所(ifsttar),玛丽居里早期研究员

2011.07-10,爱尔兰都柏林大学,玛丽居里早期研究员(合作导师:prof. eugene o’brien

2012.09-12,瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(epfl),玛丽居里早期研究员(合作导师:prof. eugen brühwiler

2013-2016 ,英国纽卡斯尔大学,博后(合作导师:prof. peter gosling)

2016-2018 ,英国卡迪夫大学,博后(合作导师:prof. alicia kim





[2]materials by   design for impact in aerospace engineering, 英国工程与自然科学研究理事会(epsrc), 2016, 参与.

[3]providing   confidence in durable composites, 英国工程与自然科学研究理事会(epsrc), 2013, 参与.

[4]training in   european asset management, 欧盟第7框架计划玛丽居里行动计划(european community’s fp7,   marie curie action), 2010, 参与.

[5]virtual engine   design system topology optimization research support, 劳斯莱斯(royce rolls), 2017, 参与.

[6]design   optimization of aircraft main structures for aerodynamics. 空中客车 (airbus), 2018, 参与.

[7]including shear   in a neural network constitutive model of architectural texitles,   architen-landrell associates, 2016, 参与.

[8]assessment of   masonry arch bridges subjected to flooding,英国工程与自然科学研究理事会(epsrc), 2016, 参与.

[9]千米级斜拉桥结构体系、设计及施工控制关键技术,国家科技支撑计划项目, 2009, 参与.

[10]泰州大桥中间塔设计与施工关键技术, 国家科技支撑计划项,2009,   参与.



[1]zhou, x.-y.(周小燚)*; treacy, m.; schmidt, f.;   brühwiler, e.; toutlemonde, f.; jacob, b. effect on bridge load effects of   vehicle transverse in-lane position: a case study. 2015, asce journal of   bridge engineering, vol. 20(12): 04015020.

[2]zhou, x.-y. (周小燚)*; schmidt, f.; toutlemonde,   f.; jacob, b. a mixture peaks over threshold method for predicting extreme   bridge traffic load effects. 2016, probabilistic engineering mechanics, vol.   43:121-131.

[3]wang, b.; zhou,   x.-y. (周小燚)*; de becker, h.;   chen, a.; schmidt, f. macro crack initiation life for orthotropic steel decks   considering weld heterogeneity and random traffic loading. 2017, structure   and infrastructure engineering, vol.13(12):1639-1652.

[4]wang, b..; de   backer, h.; zhou, x.-y. (周小燚), chen a.   two-stage crack growth-based fatigue damage evaluation of orthotropic steel   decks considering vehicle overload. 2020. structure and infrastructure engineering.

[5]wang, b..; zhou,   x.-y. (周小燚), chen a.   probabilistic study on the macro-crack initiation of the rib-to-deck welded   joint on orthotropic steel deck. 2020. international journal of fatigue.

[6]o’brien, e. j.;   schmidt f.; hajializadeh, d.*; zhou, x.-y. (周小燚); enright, b.; caprani, c.   c.; wilson, s.; sheils, e. a review of probabilistic methods of assessment of   load effects in bridges. 2015. structural safety, vol. 55:44-56.

[7]ruan x.; li, y.; zhou,   x.-y. (周小燚), jin, z.; yin,   z. simulation method of concrete chloride ingress with mesoscopic cellular   automata. 2020. construction & building materials.

[8]fang, c.*; yam,   m.; zhou, x.-y. (周小燚); zhang, y.-y.   post-buckling resistance of gusset plate connections: behavior, strength, and   design considerations. 2016. engineering structures, vol. 99:9-27.

[9]fang, c.; zhou,   x.-y. (周小燚)*; osofero a.;   corradi m. superelastic sma belleville washers for seismic resisting   applications: experimental study and modeling strategy. 2016. smart materials   and structures, vol. 25(10): 105013.

[10]an, x.-w.;   gosling, p. d.*; zhou, x.-y. (周小燚) analytical   structural reliability analysis of a suspended cable. 2016. structural   safety, vol. 58:20-30.


[11]zhou, x.-y. (周小燚); gosling, p. d.*; pearce,   c. j.; kaczmarczyk,l.; ullah, z. perturbation-based stochastic multi-scale   computational homogenization method for the determination of the effective   properties of composite materials with random properties. 2016, computer   methods in applied mechanics and engineering, vol. 300:84-105.

[12]zhou, x.-y. (周小燚); gosling, p. d*; pearce, c.   j.; kaczmarczyk, l.; ullah, z. perturbation-based stochastic multi-scale   computational homogenization method for woven textile composites. 2016,   international journal of solids and structures, vol. 80:368-380.

[13]zhou, x.-y. (周小燚)*; gosling, p. d.; pearce,   c. j.; ullah, z.; kaczmarczyk, l. exploiting the benefits of multi-scale   analysis in reliability analysis of composite structures. 2016, composite   structures, vol. 155: 197-212.

[14]zhou, x.-y. (周小燚)*; gosling, p. d.; ullah,   z.; kaczmarczyk, l; pearce, c. j. stochastic multi-scale finite element based   reliability analysis for laminated composite structures. 2017, applied   mathematical modelling, vol. 155: 197-212.

[15]zhou, x.-y. (周小燚)*; gosling, p. d. influence   of stochastic variations in manufacturing defects on the mechanical   performance of textile composites. 2018, composite structures, vol. 194:   226-239

[16]zhou, x.-y. (周小燚)*; gosling, p. d. towards an   understanding of variations in the buckling of tailored variable angle tow   composite plates. 2018, composite structures, vol. 203: 797-809

[17]ulla z.*; zhou,   x.-y. (周小燚)*, kaczmarczykc   l.; archera e.; mcilhaggera a.; harkin-jonesa e.; a unified framework for the   multi-scale computational homogenisation 3d-textile composites. 2019,   composites part b: engineering, vol. 167:582-598.


[18]zhou, x.-y. (周小燚); ruan, x.*; gosling, p. d.   thermal buckling optimization of variable angle tow fibre composite plates   with gap/overlap free design. 2019, composite structures, vol. 223: 110932

[19]zhou, x.-y. (周小燚)*; du, z.; kim, h. a. a   level-set shape metamorphosis with mechanical constraints for geometrically   graded microstructures. 2019, structural & multidisciplinary optimization,   vol. 60: 1-16

[20]zhou, x.-y. (周小燚); ruan, x.*; gosling, p. d.   robust design optimization of variable angle tow composite plates for maximum   buckling load in the presence of uncertainties. 2019, composite structures,   vol. 223:110985

[21]du, z.*; zhou   x.-y. (周小燚); picelli, r.;   kim, h. a. connecting microstructures for multiscale topology optimization   with connectivity index constraints. 2018. journal of mechanical design, vol.   140 / 111417-1







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