







韩雨博士,东南大学交通学院交通工程系教师。2017年获得荷兰代尔夫特理工大学博士学位(导师:prof. serge hoogendoorn, dr. andreas hegyi),2013年获得北京交通大学系统工程硕士学位,2011年获得哈尔滨工业大学交通工程学士学位。科研工作经历方面,2017.10-2019.3在滴滴出行城市交通事业部担任高级算法工程师,2019.4-2019.8在香港理工大学做博士后,2019.9入职东南大学。主要研究方向包括道路交通控制,交通流建模与仿真,以及人工智能技术在交通流管控上的应用。在上述科研方向主持多项国家级、省部级科研项目。在高质量学术期刊上发表论文20余篇,其中第一作者、通讯作者论文17篇(sci, jcr一区论文12篇),获中国公路学会特等奖等科技奖励。



l  道路交通控制

l  交通流理论、交通流模型与仿真

l  优化控制、模型预测控制

l  强化学习、深度学习及其他基于人工智能的交通仿真与控制方法



1.       国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:模型与数据双驱动的城市快速路可变限速与匝道限流协同控制方法,2021/01-2023/12,主持。

2.       国家自然科学基金重点项目:车路协同环境下新型混合交通流事故风险演化机理与控制策略,2023/01-2027/12,负责专题4:复杂场景下新型混合交通流事故风险智能体群协同控制策略。

3.       国家自然科学基金重点项目:基于大数据的城市道路交通流模型及仿真控制优化方法,2022/01-2026/12,负责专题2:数据驱动的微观交通流模型。

4.       科技部重点研发计划项目:公路交通系统全息感知与数字孪生技术及应用示范,2022/12-2025/11,子课题负责。



1.       han y., han z., ding f., li f.,wang, h. and wang, x.field-tested signal controller to mitigate spillover using trajectory data. computer-aided civil and infrastructure engineering, 2023.

2.       han y., wang m. and leclercq l. leveraging reinforcement learning for dynamic traffic control: a survey and challenges for field implementation. communications in transportation research, 2023, 3: 100104.

3.       han, g., han, y*., wang, h., ruan, t. and li, c. coordinated control of urban expressway integrating adjacent signalized intersections using adversarial network based reinforcement learning method. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 2023.

4.       ji, x., mao, p. and han, y*. traffic state prediction for urban networks: a spatial–temporal transformer network model. journal of transportation engineering, part a: systems, 2023, 149(11): 04023105.

5.       zhang, l., wang, y., gu, w., han, y*., chung, e. and qu, x. on the role of time‐of‐use electricity price in charge scheduling for electric bus fleets. computer‐aided civil and infrastructure engineering, 2023.

6.       han, y., hegyi, a., zhang, l., he, z., chung, e., liu, p.a new reinforcement learning-based variable speed limit control approach to improve traffic efficiency against freeway jam waves, transportation research part c: emerging technologies, 2022, 144, p.103900.

7.       han, y., wang, m, li, l., roncoli,c., gao, j. and liu, p. a physics-informed reinforcement learning-based strategy for local and coordinated ramp metering. transportation research part c: emerging technologies, 2022, 137, 103548.

8.       han, y., zhang, m., guo, y. and zhang, l. a streaming-data-driven method for freeway traffic state estimation using probe vehicle trajectory data. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, 2022, 606, 128045.

9.       han, y., wang, m., he, z., li, z.,wang, h., liu, p. a linear lagrangian model predictive controller of macro-and micro-variable speed limits to eliminate freeway jam waves. transportation research part c: emerging technologies, 2021, 128, 103-121. (virtual special issue isttt24)

10.   han, y., yu, h., li, z., xu, c., ji,y. and liu, p. an optimal control-based vehicle speed guidance strategy to improve traffic safety and efficiency against freeway jam waves. accident analysis &prevention, 2021, 163, 106429.

11.   han, y., m. ramezani, a. hegyi, y.yuan, and s. p. hoogendoorn. hierarchical ramp metering in freeways: an aggregated modeling and control approach. transportation research part c: emerging technologies, 2020, 110,1–19.

12.   han, y., a. hegyi, y. yuan, c.roncoli, and s. p. hoogendoorn. an extended linear quadratic model predictive control approach for multi-destination urban traffic networks. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 2019, 10(20), 3647–3660.

13.   han, y., a. hegyi, y.yuan,s.hoogendoorn, m.papageorgiou, and c. roncoli, resolving freeway jam waves by discrete first-order model-based predictive control of variable speed limits. transportation research part c: emerging technologies, 2017, 77, 405-420.

14.   han, y., a. hegyi, y. yuan, and s.p. hoogendoorn. validation of an extended discrete first-order model with variable speed limits. transportation research part c: emerging technologies, 2017,83,1–17.

15.   han, y., y. yuan, a. hegyi, ands.p. hoogendoorn, new extended discrete first-order model to reproduce propagation of jam waves. transportation research record, 2016, 2560(1), 108-118.

16.   韩雨,郭延永,张乐,刘攀.消除高速公路运动波的可变限速控制方法[j].中国公路学报,2022,v.35;no.221(01):151-158.

17.   yu, j., laharotte, p. a., han, y. and leclercq, l. decentralized signal control for multi-modal traffic network: a deep reinforcement learning approach. transportation research part c: emerging technologies, 2023, 154: 104281.

18.   tang, l., zhang, d., han, y., fu, a., zhang, h., tian, y., yue l., wang d. and sun, j. parallel-computing-based calibration for microscopic traffic simulation model. transportation research record, 2023: 03611981231184244.

19.   zhang, l., han, y., peng, j. and wang, y. vehicle and charging scheduling of electric bus fleets: a comprehensive review. journal of intelligent and connected vehicles, 2023, 6(3): 116-124.

20.   han, g., liu, x., wang, h., dong, c. and han, y. an attention reinforcement learning–based strategy for large-scale adaptive traffic signal control system. journal of transportation engineering, part a: systems, 2024, 150(3): 04024001.



1.    1.       2023中国公路学会科学技术奖,特等奖

2.       2021年东南大学至善青年学者

3.       2020年江苏省双创博士

4.       2020年南京市留学归国人员择优资助b

5.       2020华设杯智能交通创新应用技术大赛二等奖




地址:江苏省南京市江宁区东南大学路2号交通学院 邮编:211189

