


林 文 丽

籍       贯: 广东汕头  出生日期: 1989-05      政治面貌:中共党员

工作单位:东南大学交通学院                     职        位:岩土工程    副研究员

邮        箱:电        话:( 86) 15358109263

地        址:江苏省南京市江宁区东南大学路2号交通学院811室     



  • 博士学位,岩土工程,东京大学

2015.10 ~ 2018.09

  • 硕士学位(双学位)岩土工程,德島大学

2013.10 ~ 2015.08

  • 硕士学位, 地质工程,同济大学

2012.09 ~ 2015.03

  • 学士学位, 地质工程,中南大学

2008.09 ~ 2012.06


  • 副研究员,地下工程系,东南大学


  • 讲师,地下工程系,东南大学

2019.12 ~ 2023.04

  • 博士后,岩土工程,东京大学

2018.10 ~2019.11


(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目. 基于声发射特征的钙质砂剪切带萌生发展与颗粒破碎机制研究. 2022-01-01 2024-12-31,在研, 主持

(2) 江苏省科技厅, 青年科学基金项目. 基于声发射特征的铁尾矿砂剪切带萌生发展与颗粒破碎机制研究. 2021-07-01 2024-06-30, 在研, 主持

(3) 江苏省地质工程环境智能监控工程研究中心,开放基金. 基于分布式光纤的长大隧道病害识别技术研究, 2021.12-2023.12, 在研,主持

(4) 国家重点研发计划课题, 含裂隙低渗透地层渗透性能与非水相污染物时空传输特征. 2021.1~2024.12,在研, 第一合作人

(5) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目. 水泥土加固提升软土地基中桩基水平承载与抗震性能的机制与设计方法.  2021-01-01 2024-12-31, 在研, 第一合作人


sci 检索(* 通讯作者)

  • lin wenli*, liu ang, mao wuwei, koseki junichi. frequency dependence of acoustic emission with particle interaction and failure process in dry sands during triaxial compression. géotechnique, 2023. 1-15. (doi:  https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.22.00407)

  • lin wenli*, mao wuwei, liu ang, koseki junichi. application of an acoustic emission source-tracing method to visualise shear banding in granular materials.géotechnique, 2021, 71(10): 925-936.

  • lin wenli*, liu ang, mao wuwei, koseki junichi. acoustic emission characteristics of a dry sandy soil subjected to drained triaxial compression.acta geotechnica, 2020, 15: 2493–2506.

  • lin wenli*, liu ang, mao wuwei, koseki junichi. acoustic emission behavior of granular soils with various ground conditions in drained triaxial compression tests.soils and foundations, 2020, 60(4): 929-943.

  • lin wenli*, liu ang, mao wuwei. use of acoustic emission to evaluate the micro-mechanical behavior of sands in single particle compression tests.ultrasonics, 2019, 99:105962.

  • lin wenli, liu ang*, mao wuwei, maqsood, zain, koseki junichi. micromechanical behavior of granular soils characterized by acoustic emission. lithosphere, 2021(s3): 4061808.

  • liu ang, lin wenli*, jiang jingcai. laboratory and constitutive analysis of relaxation tests for   time-dependent properties of discontinuities. construction and building materials, 2019, 227(10):116688.

  • liu ang, lin wenli*, jiang jingcai. investigation of the long-term strength properties of a discontinuity by shear relaxation tests. rock mechanics and rock engineering, 2020, 53(2): 831-840.

  • mao wuwei*, yang yang, lin wenli. an acoustic emission characterization of the failure process of shallow foundation resting on sandy soils. ultrasonics. 2019 (93): 107-111.

  • mao wuwei*, yang yang, lin wenli, aoyama shogo, & towhata ikuo. high frequency acoustic emissions observed during model pile penetration in sand and implications for particle breakage behavior. international journal of geomechanics, 2018.18(11):04018143.

  • liu ang*, tian guanghui, lin wenli, jiang jingcai. shear relaxation characteristics of rock joints under stepwise loadings. comptes rendus mécanique. 2018.346 (12):1179-1191.

ei / esci 检索(* 通讯作者)

  • 刘昂,张尔康,林文丽*.三轴剪切条件下水泥胶结砂声发射特征信息演化规律研究.中南大学学报, 2023. (录用待刊)

  • 刘昂,张迁,华宇,朱军,林文丽*.不同粗糙度系数结构面分级剪切蠕变特性[j].南京工业大学学报(自然科学版), 2023,45(02):220-227.

  • lin wenli*, ueno katsutoshi, shen mingrong, uzuoka ryosuke, & suzuki hisashi. development of capacitance displacement monitoring system and its performance tests. international journal of geomate. 2016,10 (21):1956-1963.

  • lin wenli*, mao wuwei, koseki junichi, & liu ang. frequency response of acoustic emission to characterize particle dislocations in sandy soil. in geoshanghai international conference (pp. 689-697). springer, singapore. 2018, may.

  • lin wenli*, mao wuwei, koseki junich. acoustic emission technology to investigate internal micro-structure behaviour of shear banding in sands. advances in laboratory testing and modelling of soils and shales. springer, cham. 2017.

  • yang junde, lin wenli, wang yuan*. research on the design of diamond size in diamond drill bits and diamond saw blades. 2011 international conference on mechanical engineering, materials and energy. issn: 1660-9336, trans tech publications. 2011:148-149.

会议论文(* 通讯作者)

  • lin wenli*, koseki junichi, mao wuwei. “acoustic emission response during shear band formation in triaxial compression test on sand”. the 71st japan national conference on civil engineering. sep. 2016.

  • lin wenli*, ueno katsutoshi, shen mingrong, uzuoka ryosuke, & suzuki hisashi. “evaluation of linear capacitance displacement transducer”. the 49th japan national conference on geotechnical engineering. 2014.07, pp.1857-1858.

  • liu ang*, tokunaga tomochika, zhang peng, &lin wenli. “investigation on the correlation of relaxation behaviors and long-term strength”. japan society of engineering geology. oct. 2018, sapporo.

  • liu ang*, jiang jingcai, lin wenli,& zhu jun. “shear stress relaxation properties of discontinuities under different stress and jrc”. the 4th international forum on advanced technologies ifat. 2018.03, p1-06.


林文丽, 刘昂, 张尔康. 基于声发射特征的散粒体间微观力学行为辨识方法. 中国,cn113324832b, 授权.

林文丽, 刘昂.一种用于施工过程中地下旋喷效果的声发射监测方法. 中国, cn116517038a, 发明公开(实质审查中).

刘昂,  张尔康,  林文丽. 一种基于声发射特征的散粒体间破坏行为的早期预警方法. 中国, cn115597979a, 发明公开(实质审查中).

刘昂,  张尔康, 林文丽. 基于声发射的胶结材料宏观力学参数反演方法和试验系统. 中国, cn115791978a, 发明公开(实质审查中).

刘昂,  华宇, 林文丽,  张迁,  何家兴,  丁志涛,  张尔康,  王元淋,  施高波. 一种基于随机森林的边坡风险评估方法.中国, cn114819551a, 发明公开(实质审查中).

章定文,  祁妍敏, 林文丽. 一种低渗透孔隙-裂隙多尺度结构中非水相污染物的时空传输追踪方法. 中国, cn116165101a, 发明公开(实质审查中).

祁妍敏,  章定文,  林文丽. 一种基于电阻率法的napls污染物浓度反演方法.中国, cn115096947a, 发明公开(实质审查中).

刘昂,  华宇,  林文丽,  张迁,  丁志涛,  张尔康,  何家兴,  施高波. 一种适用于隧道围岩塑性区的可回收微震传感器安装装置. 中国, cn218601482u, 实用新型(授权).



地址:江苏省南京市江宁区东南大学路2号交通学院 邮编:211189

