












(1) 国家重点研发计划子课题(2021yfb2600601子课题):道路致灾因子与影响要素监测与分析、多源环境输入参数下的道路基础设施失稳失效模型,主持,2021-至今

(2) 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目(bk20220845),大跨钢桥面磨耗层3d打印人造纹理定向设计及材料性能研究,主持,2022-至今

(3) 南京市留学人员科技创新项目,大跨径钢桥面磨耗层3d打印人造纹理定向设计研究,主持,2022-至今

(4) 企业委托项目:沥青路面精表处在特殊路段抗滑机理及耐久性研究,主持2021-至今

(5) 企业委托项目:海外高温地域沥青路面材料与结构优化研究,合作主持2020-至今

(6) 企业委托项目:倒装沥青路面结构无机结合料稳定基层优化研究,参与,2021-至今

(7) 企业委托项目:沙漠地区超高速公路高安全性能磨耗层关键技术,主持,2021-至今

(8) 东南大学科研启动项目:3d打印人造纹理技术研究,主持,2022-2023

(9) 密歇根环保局科研项目:using new rubber technology to construct high volume traffic road in kalamazoo, co-pis, 2018-2019

(10) 密歇根环保局科研项目:using rubberized overlay to maintain high volume traffic roads in dickinson, co-pis, 2018-2020















《道路工程学报(英文)》期刊青年编委;polymers (sci, if=4.329),客座编辑 (lead guest editor)frontiers in materials (sci, if=3.515)guest editorelectronic research archive (sci, if=1.604)guest editor;美国沥青摊铺技术协会(aapt)会员、国际华人基础设施工作者协会(iacip)会员,曾任iacip通讯刊副主编(2016-2018)。

学术期刊journal of cleaner productioninternational journal of pavement engineering, journal of materials in civil engineeringconstruction and building materials, advanced engineering informatics, measurementjournal of testing and evaluation, 《土木与环境工程学报(中英文)》, 《长安大学学报》, 《现代交通与冶金材料》等国内外期刊审稿人。



(1)chen, s., gu, l., & tu, z, et al. (2023). mechanical properties of porous asphalt mixtures containing sbs and high-viscosity modifiers. journal of materials in civil engineering, 35(2): 04022417.

(2)liu, x., chen, s., ma, t., et al. (2023). investigation of adhesion property between asphalt binder and aggregate using modified boiling methods for hot and wet area. journal of materials in civil engineering, 35(3), 04022467.

(3)陈灿,段靖轩,邹尚缙,陈思宇,黄晓明. (2023).薄层多孔沥青路面抗滑性能研究. 现代交通与冶金材料(01), 2-8.

(4)chen, s., liu, x., luo, h., et al. (2022). a state-of-the-art review of asphalt pavement surface texture and its measurement techniques. journal of road engineering, 2(2), 156-180.

(5)yang, x., chen, s., pan, y., et al. (2022). investigation of the accuracy of fracture energy in evaluating the low-temperature cracking performance of asphalt mixture. journal of materials in civil engineering, 34(9), 04022201.

(6)  马涛;陈思宇;李秀君;沥青路面泡沫沥青冷再生关键技术,东南大学出版社,2022.11isbn978-7-5766-0300-2

(7)chen, s., you, z., yang, s.-l., et al. (2021). influence of air void structures on the coefficient of permeability of asphalt mixtures. powder technology, 377,1-9.

(8)chen, s., che, t., mohseni, a., azari, h., heiden, p. a., & you, z. (2021). preliminary study of modified asphalt binders with thermoplastics: the rheology properties and interfacial adhesion between thermoplastics and asphalt binder. construction and building materials, 301, 124373.

(9)liu, x., li, z., chen, s., & zhou, y. (2021). fatigue performance enhancement and high-temperature performance evaluation of asphalt treated base mixture. construction and building materials, 305, 124146.

(10)chen, s., ge, d., jin, d., et al. (2020). investigation of hot mixture asphalt with high ground tire rubber content. journal of cleaner production, 277(2020), 124037

(11)chen, s., you, z., yang, s.-l., & zhou, x. (2020). prediction of the coefficient of permeability of asphalt mixtures using the lattice boltzmann method. construction and building materials, 240, 117896.

(12)chen, s.,gong, f., ge, d., et al. (2019). use of reacted and activated rubber in ultra-thin hot mixture asphalt overlay for wet-freeze climates. journal of cleaner production, 232: 369-378.

(14)chen, s., you, z., sharifi, n., et al. (2019). material selections in asphalt pavement for wet-freeze climate zones: a review. construction and building materials, 201, 510-525.

(15)chen, s., adhikari, s., & you, z. (2018). relationship of coefficient of permeability, porosity, and air voids in fine-graded hma. journal of materials in civil engineering, 31(1), 04018359.

(16)chen, s., yang, x., you, z., et al., (2016). innovation of aggregate angularity characterization using gradient approach based upon the traditional and modified sobel operation. construction and building materials, 120, 442-449.

(17)chen, s., sharifi, n. p., you, z., et al., (2019). a review on the best practices in concrete pavement design and materials in wet-freeze climates similar to michigan. journal of traffic and transportation engineering (english edition).

(18)zhou, x., chen, s., ge, d., et al., (2020). investigation of asphalt mixture internal structure consistency in accelerated discrete element models. construction and building materials, 244, 118272.

(19)yang, x., chen, s., & you, z. (2017). 3d voxel-based approach to quantify aggregate angularity and surface texture. journal of materials in civil engineering, 29(7), 04017031.

(20)ge, d., chen, s., you, z., et al., (2019). correlation of dsr results and ftir’s carbonyl and sulfoxide indexes: effect of aging temperature on asphalt rheology. journal of materials in civil engineering, 31(7), 04019115.






(4)2019年密歇根理工大学 finishing fellowship


(6)2016年密歇根理工大学 outstanding graduate student teaching award



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