










l  复杂系统建模及优化

l  多式联运

l  智慧物流



l  2014.09-2018.07 墨尔本大学运输工程专业博士

l  2011.09-2014.03 华中科技大学环境工程专业硕士

l  2007.09-2011.06 华中科技大学环境工程专业本科


l  2022.07-至今东南大学副研究员

l  2021.07-2022.06 新加坡科技局研究员

l  2018.12-2021.06 新加坡麻省理工联合技术研究中心博士后

l  2017.02-2018.11 墨尔本大学助教



1.      新加坡科技局, 新加坡科技局,新加坡国立大学、新加坡科技与设计大学合作项目, -, supply chain 4.0, 2021-112022-06, 9000万元,参与

2.      nyk psa marine, 企业项目, digital intelligence research based on big data for improv ing efficient navigation of vessels to sg port waters, 2021-11 2022-06, 250万元,参与

3.      新加坡国家研究基金会, competitive research grant, nrf2019-its005-0021, tower of informati on - pilot project, 2019-10  2021-03, 125万元,参与

4.      sutd-mit 设计中心项目, 国际合作项目, idg21800101, data-driven design of last-mile urban l ogistics solutions to address e-commerce growth, 2018-05  2020-06, 200万元,参与


²  专著:

1.  物污染控制(选编本)()/中国环境百科全书参编

²  期刊论文:

1.   cheng, c., lu, j. w., zhu, r., xiao, z., costa, a. m., & thompson, r. g. (2022). an integrated multi-objective model for disaster waste clean-up systems optimization. transportation research part e: logistics and transportation review, 165, 102867.

2.    zhu, r., cheng, c. *, santi, p., chen, m., zhang, x., mazzarello, m., wong, m.s., ratti, c., (2022). optimization of photovoltaic provision in a three-dimensional city using real-time electric demand. applied energy, 316, 119042.

3.    zhu, r., kondor, d., cheng, c. *, zhang, x., santi, p., wong, m.s. and ratti, c., 2022. solar photovoltaic generation for charging shared electric scooters. applied energy, 313, p.118728.

4.    cheng, c., zhu, r., thompson, r.g., zhang, l., (2021). reliability analysis for multiple-stage solid waste management systems. waste management, https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2020.10.035

5.    cheng, c., zhu, r., costa, a. m., & thompson, r. g. (2021). optimisation of waste clean-up after large-scale disasters. waste management, 119, 1-10.

6.    cheng, c., zhu, r., thompson, r. g., costa, a.m., huang, x., (2021). multi-period two-echelon location routing problem for disaster waste clean-up. transportmetrica a: transport science, doi: 10.1080/23249935.2021.1916644

7.    cheng, c., zhang, l., & thompson, r. g. (2019). reliability analysis of road networks in disaster waste management. waste management, 84, 383-393.

8.    aleksandrov, m., cheng, c., rajabifard, a., & kalantari, m. (2019). modelling and finding optimal evacuation strategy for tall buildings. safety science, 115, 247-255.

9.    cheng, c., zhang, l., & thompson, r. g. (2018). reliability analysis for disaster waste management systems. waste management, 78, 31-42.

10.   cheng, c., zhang, l., thompson, r.g., (2017). disaster waste clean-up system performance subject to time-dependent disaster waste accumulation. natural hazards. 

11.   cheng, c., thompson, r. g., (2016). application of boolean logic and gis for determining suitable locations for temporary disaster waste management sites. international journal of disaster risk reduction, 20, 78-92

12.   giacomo, d.c., andre, r.a, cheng, c., moshe, b., lynette, c. (2020). exploring benefits of cargo-cycles versus trucks for urban parcel delivery under different demand scenarios. transportation research record.

13.   cheng, c., thompson, r. g., costa, a. m., & huang, x. (2018). application of the bi‐level location‐routing problem for post‐disaster waste collection. city logistics 2: modeling and planning initiatives, 97-115.

14.   zhu, r., chen, m., anselin, l., batty, m., guan, mp., luo, w, cheng, t., lim, c., santi,p., cheng, c., gu, q., wong, m., zhang, k., lu, g. , ratti, c., (2021). the effects of different travel modes on covid-19 transmission in global cities. science bulletin.

15.   cheng, c., takanori s., andre, r.a, lynette, c., moshe, b. (2021). exploring the relationship between the locational and household characteristics and online shopping. logistics, 5(2), 29. alho, a., sakai, t., oh, s., cheng, c., seshadri, r., chong, w. h., hara, y., caravias, j., cheah, ben-akiva, m., a simulation-based evaluation of a cargo-hitching service for e-commerce using mobility-on-demand vehicles. future transportation, 1(3), 639-656.

16.   alho, a., cheng, c.*, hieu, d. t., sakai, t., zhao, f., ben-akiva, m., & cheah, l. (2022). online and in-person activity logging using a smartphone-based travel, activity, and time-use survey. transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives, 13, 100524.



1.  2018.06amsi optimise 学术海报比赛二等奖

2.  2018.11:墨尔本大学优秀论文奖

3.  2017.11:墨尔本大学优秀论文奖

4.  2015.10:第二届灾害管理论坛学术海报比赛二等奖



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